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第102章 卷35


马龙探案卷三 之 错误的凶案 三十五


At FIRSt It SEEmEd remarkable to Jake that the big, fortable room in the old mcclane mansion should look just as it had when he had seen it last. then he remembered that had been only the night before.


the same room, the same, oversized luxurious furniture, the same people. Save for that terribly large gap left by the absence of Fleurette Sanders. She had been sitting on that couch, that one right over there. Strange, Jake thought, that such a little person as Fleurette could leave such an enormous space behind in a room. It was like the tremendous, yawning canyon that always seemed to be left by the extraction of a quite small tooth, a canyon of which one was perpetually conscious. Everyone in the room was trying to pay no attention to the space left by Fleurette Sanders, and everyone was unbearably aware of it.


All of them avoided the couch where she had been.


the others were there. Jake looked around the room. there was willis Sanders, pale and visibly shaken, with George brand right beside him and an unobtrusively solicitous partridge hovering in the background. willis Sanders was beardless, Jake observed, while his panion’s neatly trimmed mustache and imperial were back where they seemed to belong. he wondered how partridge had managed it. Some kind of glue, of course. there was daphne Sanders, sitting quite by herself, like an alien in the room, trying to look as though she hadn’t accused the dead Fleurette Sanders of murder only the night before.

奥格特里夫人也在,她愉快地兴奋着,竭力做出震惊和恐惧的样子。杰克想起在火车和公共汽车上的人们读着早报上的灾难报道,用兴奋甚至近乎高兴的声音说:“太可怕了!” 她身上有种近乎秃鹫的气质。杰克想起了马克斯?胡克的揭露,不知道通过和奥格特里夫人的安排,有多少八卦的小片段被变成了有利可图的勒索材料。

there was mrs. ogletree, pleasantly excited and doing her fluttering best to appear shocked and horror-stricken. Jake was reminded of people on trains and buses reading the accounts of disasters in the morning paper, saying, “how awful!” in exhilarated and almost elated voices. there was something almost vulture-like about her. Jake remembered max hook’s revelation, and wondered how many tender morsels of gossip had been turned into lucrative blackmail by the arrangement with mrs. ogletree.


wells ogletree, beside his wife, looked as though he were trying, with his aristocratic nostrils, to decide on the exact location of a mouse that had perished, not too recently, in the wall.


Ellen ogletree and Leonard marchmont sat together on a sofa. Ellen looked very bored and extremely discontented, marchmont acted like a man who has just been called to the telephone from a sound sleep. both of them seemed to feel that the whole procedure was not only definitely distasteful, but also extremely dull.


Yes, all of them were there, Jake thought, all as tense as harp strings, yet pretending that nothing in the least unusual was going on. None of them looked at him, none of them seemed to remember that he had bet he could pin a murder on mona mcclane, and now was here to collect.


the only person who looked entirely calm was mona mcclane. She wore the same dark, clinging dress she had worn the night before, with the glittering pendant on its long, slender chain. her small, pointed face was pale but, Jake thought, no more pale than it had always been. She showed no sign of agitation, only an intense interest in whatever might be going to happen next.


opposite her sat John J. malone, his dark-blue suit wrinkled and a little dusty, his black hair mussed and damp. there was a small smudge on the side of his nose.


Jake felt for the forting pressure of helene’s slender hand, and told himself fiercely that owning the casino was going to be worth all this.


malone cleared his throat and said, “captain Von Flanagan of the homicide bureau will arrive any minute now. I came here first because I wanted to explain a few things before he arrived.”


the room was very still. Someone struck a match. It sounded as loud as an explosion.

“几天前,” 马龙又开始说,“你们听到了莫娜?麦克莱恩和这里的杰克?贾斯特打的一个赌。也许你们大多数人都把它当作一个相当荒唐的玩笑。也许有些人当真了。我不知道。不管怎样……” 他停顿了一下,深吸一口气,“第二天下午,一个叫约书亚?冈布里尔的人在州街和麦迪逊街的拐角处被枪杀,情况与打赌的条件相符。

“A few days ago,” malone began again, “you heard a bet made between mona mcclane and Jake Justus here. perhaps most of you put it down as a rather absurd joke. perhaps some of you took it seriously. I don’t know. At any rate-” he paused for a long breath, “the following afternoon one Joshua Gumbril was shot at the corner of State and madison Streets under circumstances corresponding to the terms of the bet.

“这不是我的赌注,” 他说,“我也没打算卷入随后的事情。然而,情况就是这样,我确实被卷了进去,这就是为什么我现在代表贾斯特先生发言。”

“It was not my bet,” he said, “and I had no intention of being involved in subsequent events. however, circumstances were such that I did bee so involved, and that is why I am acting as spokesman for mr. Justus now.”


No one spoke. No one stirred.

“通常,” 马龙接着说,“找到一个男人或女人被谋杀的动机是朝着找到并证明凶手身份迈出的一大步。” 他继续说着,看起来不那么疲惫了。“奇怪的是,在这个案子里情况正好相反。一起犯罪发生了。不是发现了动机,而是发现了动机的缺失才指向了罪犯的身份。”

“Usually,” malone went on, “the discovery of a motive for the murder of a man or woman is a great step in the direction of finding and proving the identity of the murderer.” he appeared to bee less tired as he continued. “curiously, the reverse was true in this case. A crime was mitted. It was not the discovery of a motive, but the discovery of the absence of a motive that pointed to the identity of the criminal.”


Jake wrestled with that statement. he wondered if the exhaustion of the past twenty-four hours had been just a little too much for malone.

小个子律师继续说道:“因为犯罪动机如此明确地指向罪犯,所以罪犯在犯罪后的第一个行动就是销毁明显的动机。” 他停顿了一下,像是自言自语地重复道:“明显的动机!”

the little lawyer continued, “because the motive for a crime points so clearly in the direction of the criminal, the first act of the criminal after mitting his crime is the destruction of the apparent motive.” he paused and repeated, as though to himself, “the apparent motive-!”


with a great effort Jake brought his eyes to mona mcclane’s face. It had bee very white; her eyes were as large as a fox’s in the dark, but she retained enough of her poise to smile at him.

“很奇怪的巧合是,” 马龙说,“当那个赌注被下的时候,在场的有很多人有充分的理由希望已故的约书亚?冈布里尔死掉。”

“by a curious coincidence,” malone said, “when that bet was made, there were a number of people present who had excellent reasons for desiring the death of the late Joshua Gumbril.”


Jake was sure that he heard a faint, tremulous sigh from somewhere in the room.

“我希望你知道自己在说什么。” 威尔斯?奥格特里冷冷地说。

“I trust you know what you’re talking about,” wells ogletree said coldly.

“我知道,” 马龙告诉他,“这里还有另外两个人也知道。其中一个谋杀了约书亚?冈布里尔和弗雷特?桑德斯。另一个是威利斯?桑德斯,他知道是谁犯下了这些罪行 —— 尽管他自己没有参与其中。”

“I do,” malone told him, “and so do two others who are here. one of them murdered Joshua Gumbril and Fleurette Sanders. the other is willis Sanders, who knows who mitted those crimes-though he had no part in them himself.”


willis Sanders’ face turned gray. Suddenly he buried his face in his hands with a kind of sob. Everyone in the room tried to look away from him, save mrs. ogletree. She seemed to be trying to look everywhere at once and miss nothing that went on.


malone went on again almost dreamily, “A motive is always the key to a murder. but this time it was not the discovery of a motive that made everything clear. It was the absence of one. the motive for the murder of Joshua Gumbril should have been in a green metal box in his room. It was not, and because it was not, there was no doubt left as to what it was.”


wells ogletree’s voice cut sharply into the silence. “did you e here to tell us something definite, mr. malone, or to ramble on about motives and a lot of pointless rot none of us understand?”

马龙冷冷地看着他,但几乎带着怜悯。“如果你愿意,我可以说得更具体些,奥格特里先生。那个因为约书亚?冈布里尔是个勒索者而谋杀了他,然后又因为她也是…… 而谋杀了弗雷特?桑德斯的人……”

malone looked at him coldly, yet almost pityingly. “I’ll be more specific if you like, mr. ogletree. the person who murdered Joshua Gumbril because he was a blackmailer, and then murdered Fleurette Sanders because she too-”


A cry from helene interrupted him. She sprang to her feet and started for the hall. As Jake went after her, he heard the library window thrown open, and ran into the library just in time to see a car starting in the driveway. he realized then that its driver had gone quietly out of the room while wells ogletree was speaking. the drawer of the library table was wide open; it took only one quick glance to tell him the gun it had held was gone. As he raced back into the hall and down the steps he could hear malone swearing close behind him.

就在他看到的那辆车驶出车道的同时,另一辆车开了进来。它在房子前停了下来,就在海伦发动她自己的车的时候。杰克滑进海伦旁边的座位,这时冯?弗拉纳根喊道:“谁开车走了?” 马龙喊道:“你要找的人!”

At the same moment that the car he had seen turned out of the driveway another passed it, ing in. It stopped before the house just as helene, in her own car, started the motor. Jake slid into the seat beside helene as Von Flanagan called, “who drove away?” and malone shouted back, “the person you want!”


then malone was in the seat beside him, helene was pressing her foot on the accelerator, and they were spinning around the corner into the street. Far ahead he could see a tiny red taillight flickering in the dark, threatening to disappear. the police car with Von Flanagan was right behind them.


the car ahead, mona mcclane’s, was built for speed. So was helene’s.


they turned into the drive and headed north, driving with a fine disregard of red lights, stop signs, and icy pavements. traffic hastily turned aside to let them go by. Now and again the big, heavy car would slide sideways, right itself by some miracle, and continue in the right direction. once the car ahead, rounding the curve into Lincoln park, missed a southbound chicago motor coach by inches, skidded insanely for half a block, and kept on going.


behind them the police car’s siren wailed mournfully.


Inside Lincoln park, the traffic thinned, yet once or twice the car ahead was almost lost to them, only to reappear as the stream of cars spread out.


Jake found himself wondering what time it was. It occurred to him too that he had had no dinner. No dinner, and no sleep for what seemed to be days and days. None of those things mattered now, in this insane chase up the outer drive with the siren on Von Flanagan’s car screaming somewhere behind them, and the car ahead slowly and steadily losing its lead. None of those things mattered, but he remembered them just the same.


he glanced at helene; her profile was dead white against the darkness, as though it had been cut out of cardboard.


Suddenly he wished with all his heart that the car ahead would magically acquire miraculous speed, be lost forever to its pursuers. he thought there must be a time in every hunt when the hunters wished desperately, passionately, that the fox might get away.


but even as he wished it, the pursued car streaked past the Edgewater beach hotel, struck an unexpected patch of ice a few blocks farther north, spun madly around for one terrible moment, missing several passing cars by a shuddering hair’s breadth, and skidded off to the lake side of the drive as though it had been shot from a cannon. there was a splintering crash as it struck a tree, and then silence.


he felt helene’s big car shiver like a living thing as its brakes were applied, closed his eyes for one sickening second as it slid sideways, opened them in time to see helene skillfully maneuver it to the right and bring it to a stop just off the pavement.


the screaming siren was right behind them now.


Jake was out of helene’s car almost at the instant of its stop, two seconds behind malone. he saw a small figure in a tan polo coat emerge from the wreckage ahead of them, stagger a moment, and run toward the lake.


After a few steps the figure turned suddenly. there was the sound of a shot, the sharp crack of breaking glass as a bullet struck the windshield of helene’s car. the figure ran on blindly a few feet farther, wheeled to fire again.


Jake could think of nothing but to dive at helene and get her out of the line of fire. with only a fraction of his mind he realized that Von Flanagan and the red-faced policeman, Kluchetsky, had caught up and were ahead of them.


there were two more shots from the fleeing figure.


he dimly heard Von Flanagan shout something at Kluchetsky. the big policeman slackened his speed, drew his gun, and fired three or four times, even in that moment taking careful, deliberate aim.


Jake caught helene in his arms. As in a dream, he saw the small figure of Ellen ogletree as it stopped suddenly, wavered for only a moment, and then fell.


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