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第129章 卷25


马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 二十五


“there could have been three men named Gerald tuesday, you know,” helene said.


malone nodded. “there could,” he said gloomily, “but I don’t believe in Santa claus, either.”


they were sitting in a small north-side bar, drinking beer and worrying about their discovery. After half an hour and three beers, they hadn’t e to any conclusion.


“maybe we’ll know more,” the lawyer said, “after I have a couple of boys I can trust break into that grave and find out what’s there. It’ll probably turn out to be empty.”


“If it is,” Jake pointed out, “what was the idea of someone else digging it up—and incidentally, who did the first digging?”


“I just ask the questions,” malone said. “I don’t answer them.” he scowled. “Still, there must have been a burial permit and a death certificate, when that stone was set up. A little research in the city records may tell something about Gerald tuesday.”


“I’d feel better about the whole thing if I thought mona mcclane was lying,” Jake said thoughtfully. “but I have an unfortable suspicion that she’s telling the truth.”


malone said, “don’t forget that these tuesday murders—and only God knows which one was Gerald tuesday—may have nothing to do with mona mcclane and her bet.”


“You depress me,” helene said, “but you don’t discourage me.” She lit a cigarette. “maybe Gerald tuesday was an assumed name.”


Jake shook his head. “No one would ever deliberately assume the name of Gerald.”


She sighed heavily. “malone, you suggest something.”


“I suggest another beer,” the lawyer said. he signaled to the bartender “No,” he said as the latter approached. “I’m bored with beer. bring three gins.”


“three for each of us,” helene said. “malone, remember the note you found?”


“I’ve already remembered it,” he said grimly. he produced it. “‘You can’t pin a crime on a man who’s been dead for twenty years.’”


“but,” Jake demanded, “who has been dead for twenty years?”


malone stared at him. “I forgot you couldn’t read. the name on that tombstone was Gerald tuesday.”


helene gazed at malone through the smoke of her cigarette. “what are you going to do with Lotus? Leave her in the calaboose?”


“there’s worse places,” malone said nonmittally. “Von Flanagan just has her held for questioning. No formal charges against her yet. when he cools off a little, I can get her out without any trouble. he doesn’t really think she murdered Gerald tuesday, but he just got mad and had to arrest somebody.”


“I hope you’re right,” helene said. “She’s a nice girl.”


malone said, “he hasn’t enough evidence to hold her for the grand jury and he knows it. he doesn’t know any more about who murdered those two guys than we do. trouble is,” he added gloomily, “he knows about as much.”


“malone, could anybody have slipped into the house and murdered him and gone away again?”


“Not unless he went down the chimney,” the lawyer said. “And christmas was over ten days ago.”


“then either Lotus or Louella white or Ross mcLaurin or pendley tidewell or I murdered him. take your pick.”


Jake scowled at his gin. “Are you sure he was alive when you passed his door?”


“positive. besides, malone knows he was alive when he telephoned his office.”


“that’s right,” malone said. “that fixes the time of his death to the minute. maggie always makes a note of the exact time when calls e in; we’ve found it damned useful sometimes in faking alibis. It was nineteen minutes after four.”


“At nineteen minutes after four,” helene said, “I was in my room changing my dress. Ross was in his room, cold as a fish. Lotus—tell me malone, what if she did murder him?”


“temporary insanity,” malone said, waving to the bartender as though he were the jury, “or self-defense. don’t worry, I’ll fix it up.”


“She might have known him before he came to chicago. After all, we only have people’s word for it that he was a perfect stranger to everyone except mona mcclane. Lotus might have been trying to keep her origin from Ross mcLaurin so she could bring about wedding bells, and this guy knew all about her and threatened to spill the soup. So she stabbed him.”


“She did a nice neat job of it,” malone said. he called, “three small beers for chasers.”


“helene, what are you going to do about her?”


“Spring her from the can tomorrow, if nothing happens meanwhile.”


“And then?”


“then I suppose I’ll have to find out who really did the stabbing before von Flanagan gets sore at something and arrests her again.” he looked alternately at the gin and the beer, deciding which to use as a chaser. “I’ll spring her first. then I’ll just spit on my sleeves and roll up my hands and go to work.” he paused. “Roll on my hands and spit up my sleeves.”


“Never mind,” helene said, “I liked it better the first time. then you don’t think she did do it?”


“hell no,” malone said, “I’ve never thought so.” he downed the gin and ignored the beer.


“You keep overlooking Louella white,” Jake plained. “I bet she’d murdered half a dozen people before she was ten years old. She isn’t getting half enough attention. She could have slipped into that guy’s room, stabbed him, and slipped out again without any one noticing her.”


“besides,” helene said, “I’m very doubtful about her. She claims to have been Editha Venning’s panion for a number of years. but I’d be willing to place a small bet she’s never been in the orient.”


“why?” Jake demanded.


“I’ll tell you why,” helene said. “I had a chance to snoop around her room this morning before breakfast, and I took it. there isn’t one single imitation jade buddha or fancy-carved ash tray. Not even a hand-embroidered kimono in five natural colors. You can’t tell me that woman would spend even a week in the orient without bringing home mementoes.” She lit a cigarette. “I’m even willing to bet there is no such person as Louella white.”


“I saw her myself,” Jake objected. “I have occasional nightmares, but I don’t have delusions.”


“I mean her name may not be Louella white. It may be something else.”


“probably Geraldine tuesday,” Jake muttered.


She ignored him. “Another thing, she’s about as panionable to Editha Venning as a Frigidaire. All she does is watch her all the time. but why? Editha Venning seems of sound mind. She drinks, but she’s not a dipso.”


“maybe she’s a dopey,” Jake said.


“I don’t think so,” malone said, “she hasn’t any of the behavior. No, helene’s right. this panion business is some kind of gag, but I’m damned if I know what kind.”


helene frowned. “In the rush back to this country during the war, a lot of identities may have gotten scrambled. Lotus Angelo turns up as Lotus Allen. Louella white might be anybody. these two guys turn up as Gerald tuesday, and now this grave—”

“这甚至可能只是巧合。”杰克说。“其中一个是来自澳大利亚的奥斯卡·q·麦奥斯卡维茨,另一个是来自斯特金湾的理查德·罗(常出现在法律术语中的一个虚构的人名)。出于只有他们自己最清楚的原因,他们都决定改名,从书里选名字。他们俩恰好读了同一本书,所以就有了两个杰拉尔德·图伊兹。然后他们俩都被谋杀了,而且由于巧合的长臂——早在 1921 年……”

“It might even be coincidence,” Jake said. “one of them is oscar q. mcoscarvitz from Australia, and the other one is Richard Roe from Sturgeon’s bay. For reasons best known to themselves, they both decide to change their names, and pick names out of books. both of them happen to read the same book, and so we have two Gerald tuesdays. then both of them get murdered, and by the long arm of coincidence—way back in 1921—”

海伦尖刻地说:“巧合的手臂很长,但没那么多弯。其中一个人塞给马龙一把标着 114 的钥匙,而他马上就喝醉了把钥匙丢了,另一个人在死前试图给马龙打电话,手里还拿着一张写着 114 的纸。他们俩都是被刀以完全相同的方式杀死的……”

helene said acidly, “coincidence has a long arm, but not quite that many elbows. one of them slipped malone a key marked 114, which he immediately got drunk and lost, and the other one tried to telephone malone before he died, and had a paper with 114 written on it in his hand both of them were killed in exactly the same manner with a knife—”


“or maybe one of Louella white’s knitting needles,” Jake put in.


She ignored him. “malone, what’s happened to the knife? where’s the weapon?”


“the murderer kept it,” malone said, finishing his gin. “he’s saving it.”


“what for?”


“to murder more Gerald tuesdays. put your coat on, were going to my office. murder or no murder, I’ve got to write a nice letter to the building manager promising to pay the rent some day.”


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