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第55章 恩卡图尔


区域名称: 恩卡图尔


1. 宇宙面纱:N'Karthul被一层层宇宙面纱包裹,将其与地表世界隔开。这些面纱由奥术能量组成,使这个领域对普通人的感官来说是无形和无法穿透的。只有那些与精灵势力有着深厚联系的人才能感知和接触恩卡图尔。

2. 生物发光真菌:N'Karthul 的海绵状景观装饰着充满活力的生物发光真菌。这些发光生物发出令人毛骨悚然的光芒,在外星地形上投下超现实的色调。它们产生的光既是照明源,也是恩卡图尔居民之间的交流手段。

3. 埃尔德里奇建筑:恩卡图尔的结构挑战了传统的几何学和物理定律。该建筑融合了扭曲的尖顶,独眼巨人巨石和不可能的角度。这些建筑是由恩卡图尔的居民在克苏鲁的指导下建造的,反映了它们存在的疯狂本质。

4. 疯狂纽带:恩卡图尔是精灵疯狂的纽带。这个领域的本质渗入那些冒险进入其深处的人的头脑中,导致理智逐渐受到侵蚀。越接近恩卡图尔的心脏,这种疯狂影响的影响就越强烈和不可逆转。

5. 埃尔德里奇动植物:恩卡图尔是无数精灵动植物的家园,这些动植物被王国的混沌能量怪异地变异。这些实体表现出奇异和令人不安的特征,具有物理和形而上学的特性,无法理解世俗的理解。植物群可能有食肉倾向,而动物群可能表现出类似变色龙的能力或拥有额外的四肢。


7. 看不见的邪教:在恩卡图尔内部,存在一个秘密的邪教,称为看不见的邪教。它的成员,无论是凡人还是超凡脱俗的人,都崇敬伟大的老人,并努力解开恩卡图尔的奥秘。他们举行被禁止的仪式,


8. 永恒性:恩卡图尔的时间是扭曲和非线性的。过去、现在和未来交织在一起,为那些进入这个领域的人创造了一种迷失方向的体验。N'Karthul的居民,无论是凡人还是不朽的,都处于一种永恒的时间不确定性状态中,永远被困在不断变化的时刻中。








带着新发现的知识,埃弗雷特博士找到了艾米丽·哈特伍德(Emily hartwood),她是一位20多岁充满活力和好奇心的记者。艾米丽以其敏锐的机智和对真相的不懈追求而闻名,她分享了埃弗雷特博士对阿卡姆之谜的迷恋。她一直在调查困扰村庄的奇怪事件,决心揭开日益加剧的不安的根源。





严谨的历史记录者呈现了这段没有情感的叙述,努力捕捉事件的本质,而不会屈服于那些决定性的日子里弥漫在阿卡姆身上的压倒性的恐惧感。它证明了人类精神的韧性和对知识的不可抑制的渴望,驱使我们探索存在中最黑暗的角落,即使冒着将自己迷失在深渊的风险。第2章 进入阴影






to jail by law enforcement. In the car, I curiously asked the person next to me.

when the neighbor realized it was hwang Jeong-do, he lowered his voice and explained what had happened.

It turned out to be a young couple living upstairs on the 8th floor. Apparently, the husband who was on a business trip suddenly came home and happened to witness his wife raping her, causing trouble with a stray man. the enraged husband tried to kill the couple on the spot, but the result was unexpected. this savage man was so cruel that he used women as knives, and then found the perfect opportunity to murder her husband. the sound of the stabbing was so loud that it nearly woke up other residents on the eighth floor shortly after the incident.

Residents soon enthusiastically enforced the law, with some brave neighbors forming watchdog groups. they managed to hit the adulterous partner who panicked and ran towards him. the brave neighbors, seeing the person running out of the room covered in blood, vaguely guessed what was happening and immediately rushed to arrest him.

there was strength in numbers, and the neighbors were ruthless, and the men used water pipes, baseball bats, and melon knives to steal them hard. A knife certainly didn't have the courage to hit an animal, but with a knife. behind the knife, he and the water pipe wait for the animal for a while, quickly subdue the suspect in the hallway, then push the person down into a small open yard and keep watch until law enforcement officers arrive.

hwang Jeong-do was shocked to hear that this bloody incident had actually happened. he was secretly horrified when he saw two stretchers covered in white cloth descend from the second floor and pass through the hallway of his rented floor.

After experiencing such an event, huang Zheng-do could no longer sleep when he returned home. his mind had been deeply stimulated by the murders in his apartment, and he was in a state of physiological \"hyperactivity.\"

thus, huang Zheng-do went to work the next day with a fairy-like expression on his face. a>vas>div>Scan the qR code to download Red Sleeves and xiaoxiang and get a special offer for new users. Free for a limited time div>div>div>

312 types of sleep aids

Looking at huang Zheng dao's fairy-like face, it is huang Zheng dao, no matter how evil the leader is, he can't close his eyes now. he directly told huang Zheng-dao that he could take tomorrow's Friday off as long as the work was delivered properly.

huang Zhengdao plained in his heart, but on his face he could only pretend to be moved and express his gratitude. then he turned around and handed over all the work to a new colleague.

huang Zhengdao looked at his new colleague almost blankly, smiled kindly, patted him on the shoulder, and said, ``Last time, the leader praised you for being a quick learner and being able to stand on your own. .You also accepted it very humbly...I...''

Seeing the increasingly panicked look in huang Zhengdao's eyes, huang Zhengdao felt a great sense of relief and satisfaction, and his terrible mental state was greatly relieved.

this stupid dog who pretends to be motivated and doesn't know how to learn will just give you a headache. If something happens, you are responsible. After all, in the eyes of the leader, you are no longer a newbie and are worthy of the position.

throughout the next day, hwang Jeong-do saw the motivated but anxious faces of his new colleagues. this reminded him of when he was in college and would spend a week previewing and revising entire semesters of courses before taking exams.

of course, the two are always different. If you fail the exam, you can retake and retake the exam. If there is a problem with bakainu's management, they may not be held responsible.

hwang Jeong-do did not work overtime today, ate dinner outside, and went home feeling fortable.

For the past few days, he has been suffering from insomnia and poor sleep quality. he had had a few drinks outside and was a little drunk at the time. Even if you sleep on it, it won't put much strain on your body.

As soon as hwang Jeong-do returned home, he desperately crawled into bed.

he stopped taking showers and doing housework. his cell phone was turned off and he couldn't hear anyone making a work call. he didn't want to care about anything anymore. I fell asleep, but soon started snoring loudly...

hwang Jeong-do had a dream of living a leisurely and prosperous life with a kind and caring wife, sensitive and well-behaved children, and a happy family of four.

Until, in your dream, the doorbell of your house suddenly rings. huang Zhengdo was still curious about who rang the doorbell. Surprisingly, his wife and children also seemed to have known him for a long time, and said with a mysterious smile, ``You're the best today.'' didn't your friend say he was ing to visit you?

his wife and children then asked him to open the door. huang Zheng-do felt a little scared, but he still opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, huang Zhengdao saw Ji Jian, who had no human form and was formed into a lake of flesh and blood, standing outside the door with a severed face and a strange smile. I saw you there.

huang Zheng-do didn't care what the other person said. he was already scared and crying on the spot.

In fact, huang Zheng-do also suddenly woke up. I got out of bed in a cold sweat and woke up at 11am the next morning.

“damn, what kind of ghost did you dream about?” huang Zhengdao grumbled and wiped his forehead with his hand, which quickly became wet.

this amazing amount of sweat.

huang Zhengdo shook his collar and felt a little warm. when he looked up, he realized with dismay that he had forgotten to turn on the air conditioner.

when I got home, I was so sleepy that I pletely forgot to turn on the air conditioner to sleep in the middle of summer.

I quickly turned on the air conditioner, went to the closet to get some dry clothes, and headed to the bathroom.

I had to take a shower now. Sleeping in sweaty clothes was unfortable and made me more likely to catch a cold.

however, after taking a bath and changing his clothes, huang Zhengdao felt a little disappointed that he was so energetic now that he couldn't sleep at all.

Insomnia began to bother him again.

Even if you don't have to go to work tomorrow, insomnia doesn't happen every day or two. Even if you continue like this and can't sleep normally on Sunday nights, you'll still have problems.

considering this, huang Zheng-do felt that he needed to see a doctor, and also looked for ways to help him sleep.

After this thought, huang Zhengdao called the internal medicine department of the traditional chinese medicine hospital at night, searched for information about sleep aids on the Internet, and noticed related videos and \"sleep aid sounds\".

A popular scientific video states that receiving white noise can help your brain send out sleep signals, helping you fall asleep quickly.

based on this concept, the field of \"sleep aid sounds\" has bee broader, as different groups of people have different levels of acceptance of \"white noise\" or different sensitivities to sounds.

After this investigation, hwang Jeong-do recalled that before her disappearance, Ji Jian had said that she usually suffered from insomnia and would fall asleep by listening to sleep-inducing videos. when my insomnia was severe, I also took medication to help me sleep.

the sleep aid videos mentioned by Ji Jian include sleep aid sounds and more. hwang Jeong-do happened to suffer from insomnia himself, so he thought it might be a good idea to give it a try.

At this point, we must mention \"big data,\" which is omnipresent anytime and anywhere and influences people's decisions.

huang Zhengdao and Ji Jian are friends in each other's address books. we usually get along very well because we have mon topics and it's natural that we like the same things.

when huang Zhengdao started trying to understand sleep aid videos, the videos with related themes and content that Ji Jian often viewed slowly and unconsciously began to follow him.

when huang Zhengdao searched for the keyword \"sleep aid video\" on tt Short Video, many related videos immediately appeared. we then created a plete ranking based on the number of views and ments and clicked on the entry that ranked #1. Sleep aid video.

In this sleep aid video, hwang Jeong-do saw a simple dark scene in which an attractively dressed female blogger gave a brief introduction to everyone in a whisper. In front of the female blogger was a person whose microphone was made in the shape of a human head, and the part of the human head that received sound from both ears made the audio recorded in the video particularly clear. masu. in the left and right channels.

huang Jeong-do began to understand why these sounds helped him sleep.

It's like a child's bedtime story, a mother's gentle voice heard next to the bed, or the pretty gentle whispers of a masseuse during a spa massage that have a particularly relaxing magic.

moreover, huang Zhengdao also understands why Ji Jian still likes to watch these videos.

do fetuses of this color really sleep? he was embarrassed to show his slightly perverted thoughts and was clearly greedy for other people's bodies.

when a female blogger made mouth sounds by passing between the ears of a mannequin's microphone, it was heart-pounding to see the other person making sounds while looking at the camera. Every movement and gesture of the other person, whether intentional or unintentional, excites people. It gives the audience a good mood and people can't help but imagine that they are microphones with human heads enjoying the gentle services of female bloggers.

\"that's interesting.\" huang Zhengdao nodded secretly, thinking that he was a righteous person. when he was watching videos to sleep, he got so distracted by the blogger's facial expressions and appearance that he lost his intention to sleep, so he always watched videos to find high-quality videos.

So he followed this idea and quickly discovered a recent popular sleep aid video with no pictures and poor sound quality. the blogger's online name is \"Id\".

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huang Zhengdao dishonestly looked at the blogger's old identity and guessed that perhaps this blogger was a handheld video and was too lazy to even change his identity.

however, huang Zhengdo was a little surprised when he saw the number of blogger fans.

the fan base is over 200,000 people, this number of fans should be considered the pillars of the niche sleep video circle, and the blogger should basically be the sleep video creator himself, which can only be achieved individually can. business conditions. Achievement.

hwang Jeong-do was even more surprised to learn that the blogger had closed the ment section of each video, pletely denying any interaction between the blogger and fans and passersby.

``Is he really a genius?'' said hwang Jeong-do. he was even more curious about the magical power of this video to help bloggers sleep. what could be more powerful than the #1 video of sleeping on the site he just heard?

when it es to all the videos he watched while looking for sleep aid videos, he had never heard of anyone better than this young female blogger.

huang Zhengdao clicked on the last video, but could not find any photos in the video. It unexpectedly turned out to be a pure sound effect video. It was very satisfying to switch to background playback mode and listen to sleep aid sounds through my bluetooth headset.

don don don don——

huang Zhengdao gradually stood up. he opened his eyes filled with confusion and sat up. I watched as the sunlight that couldn't be blocked by the curtains poured into the room through the gaps in the curtains. I was in a daze for a while, then my consciousness started to fade, and then I gradually recovered, and the first time I felt a strong feeling of hunger.

\"how long did I sleep? this...\" huang Zhengdo felt a slight pain in his back and neck. when I turned around, my bluetooth headphones had been washed away and had fallen onto the bed. his back hurts because he kept sleeping. press two gadgets.

he felt a little happy and put the bluetooth earphones back into the earphone case and said: \"I didn't think this sleep aid video would be really helpful. If you have trouble sleeping in the future, you can keep listening.\" Although I can't remember the video that helped me last night. “what kind of sounds did they play on the sleep videos?”

huang Jeong-do clicked on his mobile phone screen and watched the moment. when I saw the time displayed on my cell phone, my eyes widened. At this moment, something temporarily forgotten crossed my mind. he jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. , \"Shit, I recorded the number, it's almost here!\"

hwang Jeong-do hurriedly washed his clothes and changed his clothes, then called a car and arrived at the hospital.

Fortunately, the hospital where he was registered was not far from his home. he registered in the two minutes before his registration expired to avoid the risk of being placed on the hospital's warning list.

After the procedure, hwang Jeong-do met with the doctor he had made an appointment with.

\"Young man, what do you have?\" the doctor asked seriously, looking at huang Zhengdao.

mr. huang Jeong-do generously explained, ``Recently, I have been under a lot of pressure at work, and I have been suffering from insomnia.I was wondering if you could prescribe some chinese medicine to treat my symptoms.'' ta.

the doctor nodded and asked hwang Zheng-do to put his hands on him. he checked his pulse. After thinking for a while, he said, \"You've been eating irregularly and not eating well lately, right?\"

“well, I was in a hurry to go to work and was too lazy to choose food, so I only ate hamburgers and fast food,” hwang Jeong-do said casually. Since he was a child, he has always been a little shy around doctors, especially older chinese herbalists.

``don't eat, you're very angry.'' the doctor nodded and told huang Zheng-do to stick out his tongue and check inside his mouth. her tongue and body were slightly red and swollen. I heard heart and lung sounds, there was a murmur, and I asked hwang Jeong-do to go. I had blood tests etc.

when hwang Jeong-do returned for a re-examination with the test result sheet, the doctor told him that he had a fever inside his body, and that high internal body heat was the reason he couldn't sleep well and had difficulty collapsing. . he advised them to rest during normal times, take occasional walks, and be careful not to get too nervous. perhaps he became worried, so he prescribed herbal medicine to hwang Jeong-do.

when the doctor prescribed the medicine, huang Zhengdo asked with a smile. \"Sir, is there something seriously wrong with us?\"

\"this happens often. Just recently a young man came to see the doctor on my behalf. he looked like you. he suffered from insomnia, endocrine disorders, anger, etc. ...he might be more serious than you.'' dr. Zeng Li said casually as he typed on the keyboard, the printer on the table started working and the medicine order was printed. he took out the medicine order, stamped it, signed it, handed it to huang Zhengdao, and said, \"Go get the medicine.\"

“Agreed.” hwang Zheng-do left with a list of medicines. hearing doctor Zeng's calm tone, he felt relieved. there were no serious problems.

when I went to the pharmacy to get some medicine, there were a lot of people looking for medicine today. hwang Jeong-do had no choice but to find a chair near the pharmacy, sit down, and wait for his number to be called to take the medicine.

when huang Zheng-do was bored, he tried to kill time by playing with his mobile phone, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the girl sitting next to him was looking straight at him.

the girl has a pale face, a beautiful figure, and large watery eyes. Apart from her unhealthy appearance, she is so cute and beautiful that people can't help but feel attached to her when they see her.

“Sister, are you alone?” huang Zheng-do couldn’t help but ask with a smile.

the girl was not afraid of strangers, was well-behaved, and said in her usual tone: \"my father will buy me some food. I'll wait there until the pharmacy calls.\"

I think he looks like a 4th or 5th grader. She's not very naughty, she's a quiet girl.

``Are you sick too?'' huang Zhengdo noticed that the girl didn't look good.

\"okay, something's growing in my head, it's okay.\" the girl nodded.

when huang Zheng-dao heard this, he was shocked and fell silent, but then forced a smile and said, \"do you know what it is? Are you scared?\"

\"I know, I'm not scared. my boss, father, uncle, and aunt will all help me. Even if something goes wrong...it's okay.\" A gentle smile appeared on the girl's face.

huang Zhengdao didn't know where this girl had so much self-confidence and confidence. he thought it was the child's ignorance and strength.

the girl looked at huang Zhengdao and said gently, \"Uncle, are you okay?\"

hearing the girl's question, huang Zhengdao was surprised again and said with a dry smile. \"It's okay. I'm just a little angry and have some insomnia. well, you can call me big brother if you like.\"

\"okay, uncle.\"

the girl probably wasn't listening. the focus in his eyes made huang Zhengdao a little worried. because it turns out that paying attention actually made other people's eyes focus more often on a certain position behind him. this feeling made him a little confused behind the scenes. Yes, the back of my neck is cold.

``Uncle, are you afraid of insects?'' asked the girl, confused.

huang Zhengdo thought there were still bugs behind him. he quickly reached out and patted the back of his head before turning around. he tapped the air and looked at Lonely, only to realize that he hit nothing and couldn't see anything.

At that moment, the girl laughed behind him and said, ``Uncle, no, you can't see him, and of course you can't hit him. It's in your ear, and you too.'' It's going to hurt him. ” If you do that, you will be hurt and eaten by worms like the old man who keeps yelling. ”

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the girl's words passed through his body like black electricity. huang Zhengdo's whole body trembled, and he felt chills and fear spread around him.

perhaps the girl was just joking, but huang Zhengdo never forgot the reason why his friend Ji Jian disappeared. he claimed that Ji Jian's whereabouts were unknown, but in reality, all he knew about Ji Jian's disappearance was that Ji Jian had been sentenced to death in his mind.

hwang Jeong-do disappeared due to unknown abnormal factors. If what the girl said was not a joke, then what she just said was really what she saw.

could it be that the unknown entity that kidnapped Ji Jian is now targeting him? !

his insomnia and poor health may not be due to normal changes.

when people start thinking about these things in a negative way, they gradually lose their mental balance and fall down.

Just as hwang Jeong-do calmed down and was about to ask the girl what exactly she saw, what the insect looked like, and what the face of the person swallowed by the insect looked like, many questions arose about this mystery. I was trying to answer a question. when the girl asked, a middle-aged man appeared from behind her.

``Yunin, it's time to go home.'' the man held a bag of medicine in his left hand and a bag of damp breakfast in his right. he said this to the mysterious girl in a gentle tone, and followed hwang Jeong-do with his eyes. the man turned his gaze to him and nodded to Ji Jiang with a gentle smile.

huang Zheng-do knew that this man was the girl's father. when I saw the other man's behavior and the sight of him standing next to the girl, I felt an even stronger sense of mystery and disfort about the father and daughter.

they have a very different temperament from those around them, including themselves.

``okay, dad.'' Li Youning stood up, took the breakfast from his father, took his father's hand, and said goodbye to hwang Zhengdo with a smile, ``I'm happy to talk to you, goodbye, uncle.''

huang Zhengdao saw the two of them about to leave, and he felt a little panicked, but he hesitated. Some people around him noticed his strange reaction. the social etiquette and morals he has learned over the past 20 years have also taught him not to cause trouble lightly. Father and daughter had never met before, but the thought of losing them was like sacrificing my life. It made him panic and he didn't want to say goodbye like this.

As if sensing huang Zhengdao's bewilderment and confusion, Li Jiahong, who seemed to have eyes behind him, made an \"ah\" sound and turned around again. As if remembering something important, he smiled and took something out of his pocket. he took out his business card and handed it to huang Zhengdo.

when huang Zhengdao received the blank business card, Li Jiahong looked at it, smiled and said, \"If you need anything, please e to the store where I work.\"

with that said, Li Jiahong and her daughter said goodbye again. the two of them walked slowly, but they were like the sun and the moon, unable to catch up with huangzheng Island, and slowly left in front of him.

huang Zheng-do looked down at the business card in his hand and thought deeply.

Linlin's magical house?

Is this...a toy store?

what is your address and contact information?

hwang Jeong-do felt short of breath for a while, but it was not because he was afraid, but because he was depressed by the words. he felt that he had been tricked and cheated. this mistake also suppresses his \"extreme random thinking.\"

hwang Jeong-do safely received the medicine and returned home. After lunch, he began taking the medicine as per the doctor's instructions. As he took a sip of water and swallowed the medicine, he looked at the dilapidated bed and thought to himself. \"I took some medicine.\" , that should be better. ”

Although I was forting myself in this way, I had somehow developed a terrible resistance to keywords related to sleep, such as mattresses and sleep.

Apparently, he went to the doctor and took medication to treat his insomnia, but now he had a fear of sleep and didn't want to sleep.

but people should celebrate great science and be grateful for medicine that saves lives and heals the injured.

After taking the medicine after eating, hwang Jeong-do sat on the sofa and became sleepy, his eyelids trembling. I don't know if the reason I wake up even though I'm full is due to the effects of the medication or if I'm sleepy due to lack of sleep.

Gradually, I could no longer resist closing my eyelids, and the blurred vision and illusions gradually decreased.

before falling asleep, huang Zheng-do's last thought came into his mind: \"I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to sleep.\"


A drop of tongue pulled hwang Jeong-do, whose consciousness was floating at the bottom of the sea, into a quiet space. huang Zhengdao suddenly saw an evil and huge pile of flesh lying in a bloody space. the meat mountain was alive and seemed to sense hwang Zheng dao's presence, so it raised one end of its body and slowly turned towards hwang Zheng dao.

when huang Zheng dao tried to see the front of the meat mountain clearly, huang Zheng dao felt a sense of loss under his feet, as if he had stepped on the air and fallen into a cave. the feeling of weightlessness was so shocking that the hairs on my head stood on end, and at the same time the landscape of time and space around me changed rapidly. .

however, this feeling of imbalance did not last long. before hwang Jeong-do's fear reached its peak, he felt a strong sensation of walking on the ground beneath his feet, and his pounding heart slowly calmed down.

huang Zhengdao stared at the wooden house that suddenly appeared in front of him. the shabby store's sign read \"Ling Ling's magical house.\" he immediately remembered the couple he had met at the hospital earlier that day. then the father and daughter realized that they had business cards in their hands.

hwang Jeong-do panicked a little as he realized that there was a high possibility that he had indeed \"hit the devil,\" but when he looked at the foggy forest around him, he saw that there was no way out, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go inside. could not. A hut in the forest in front of you.

when hwang Jeong-do woke up, he was confused to find that it was still bright outside his house, but when he looked at the weather on his mobile phone, he realized that time had gone backwards. he rubbed his eyes carefully, and suddenly it became clear that time was moving backwards, not backwards. he slept all day and it was 9am the next morning.

“Is this the end of my Friday?” huang Zhengdao was confused and a little heartbroken. he felt he lost a lot of money by not being able to take advantage of his precious vacation time.

I was a little hungry, my stomach was making satisfying noises, and the contractions in my stomach walls were unfortable. he rubbed his stomach and realized he had something else in his hand.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was a butterfly specimen. however, the pattern on the butterfly's body was a little strange. At first glance, it looked like a human face.

when huang Zhengdo saw the butterfly, his whole body trembled. \"this is no dream... did you really buy this butterfly sample from this cabin in the woods?\"

I thought it was a dream to go shopping in a cabin in the woods, but I never expected that what happened in my dream would e true.

huang Zhengdao wanted to take out the butterfly sample and put it aside, but was shocked to see that the butterfly sample facing people suddenly came. he flapped his wings and flew from the palm of his hand to the back of his hand. then I felt a cold sensation on the back of my hand. In the blink of an eye, the butterfly's face became a tattoo on the back of his hand, blending into his skin and making it impossible to remove.

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confronted by a human, the butterfly specimen suddenly es to life and transforms into a hand tattoo before his eyes. this incredible thing appeared in front of huang Zheng dao, and huang Zheng dao wanted to take them both out of his eyes and rub them.

when huang Zhengdao saw the human-faced butterfly tattoo on his hand, he felt even more strange. he feels unfortable when a butterfly has a tattoo of a man's face on it. In fact, he felt that the tattoo of a human face on a butterfly looked more and more like his own face. , looking at the human face in the butterfly face, he seemed to be looking at himself.

he still remembers how the owner of the forest, a young man in white who was sitting behind the counter and playing with the cat, told people that there were butterflies.

butterfly on human Face, the legendary butterfly demon is elusive and loves to feed on human essence and blood. they often appear in psychedelic or fantastical locations. the pattern of a person lying on his back is a weapon for catching animals. when he discovers that he is among his animals, and there are people present, the human face model on his back changes into the face of a handsome man and a beautiful woman, and appears in front of those people, and takes away the greedy people. Fascinating. It is the beauty that lies within a depraved fantasy, and you must be admiring it without even knowing it. Senses and blood, and finally, sudden death from lack of sensation and blood.

overall, the butterfly-faced man resembles a succubus from western stories rather than a positive legendary character.

boss Lin said that the human-faced butterfly was just a specimen, so huang Zheng-dao assumed that it was dead and harmless to him. he entered the house, although he was a little skeptical about the almost fable-like legend. there was a feeling behind the store that if you didn't buy something, you would regret it, so huang Zhengdao bought it.

but he never expected things to turn out like this. did the owner of this store deceive him?

huang Zheng-do was deeply aware of the tragic nature of the world and felt a chill in his heart. he saw the tattoo on his hand and tried to erase it, but he still had doubts in his heart. this human-faced butterfly seems to be a little different from the legend told by his boss.

At the very least, the butterflies that appeared on people's faces did not appear to be sucking their own blood, nor did they transform into beautiful men or women to tempt humans, as in the story. Rather, the human-faced butterfly transformed the human-faced model into his own image, which made him feel unfortable and disgusted.

As the saying goes, what you can't see, you can't see. the human face model carved on the back of his hand looked as if it were alive. Sometimes he felt that his dead self was looking at him with misery and resentment. he finds a glove and places it over the butterfly tattoo. but it's my own.

Now that I can no longer see it, I feel a little better.

however, this peace did not last long, and huang Zheng-do soon fell into an even more unpleasant state of mind.

the unbelievable fact that he bought back a specimen of a human-faced butterfly from a cabin in the forest that he had dreamed of and made it a reality is true, so he also saw the father and daughter who met at the cabin in the forest yesterday. this is what happened. In other words, what the girl said to him was true.

before entering the foggy forest where the forest hut was located, hwang Jeongdao vaguely remembered that he first went to a place full of blood and saw a glass as big as a pile of meat, but he had no time to see his true face. there was no. of great insects. he managed to move to the door of a cabin in the woods.

he didn't regret not getting a glimpse of what ordinary animals really looked like, but he felt lucky.

the appearance of a giant worm must be something that gods and ghosts hate. the big, fat body that people noticed before seeing its face was enough to make people tremble in fear. I thought that if hwang Jeong-do really saw that face, he would go crazy. lost

when I tried to recall that scene in my faint memory, I heard the sound of a mountain monster chewing, like it was eating some kind of animal, and the crackling sound of a large, clear tongue...all sounds familiar and distinct. was.

Suddenly, huang Zhengdao trembled and suddenly remembered.

will this clear sound like running water make people dream of the same sleep sounds they heard before?

huang Jeong-do took out his mobile phone and found all the videos he had played in the past few days from tt's video history. he closes his videos without pictures or sound effects just to help him sleep, although his blogger username online Id is something very special, but the number of fans is staggering.

After entering the interface of all the videos posted on this current blogger account, huang Zhengdo's palms began to sweat and his whole body felt cold.

who is this blogger? why are the sounds Roshan's demonic insects make when they are active being recorded? to encourage and spread sleep, we purposely videotape the sounds of rare animals what is the reason for packaging it?

does he want to overthrow the world?

As long as viewers listen to the sleep aid video, they will discover Roshan, a nefarious insect that exists in another dimension, in an unknown way, and slowly and sensually approach people. he won't want to wait until the animal is gone from this world. Stop it… this seems to be the reason for Ji Jian’s disappearance. After he fell asleep listening to these videos, he was targeted by Roshan pet and eventually disappeared without a trace.

hwang Jeong-do's heart was pounding nervously. will he disappear again after Ji Jian?

huang Zhengdao panicked greatly, but did not pletely lose his mind. his first thought was to seek professional help.

he wanted to contact the occult team, but was hesitant and afraid of how he would be treated if he really reported his situation.

they will definitely put it next. he is like a cold bomb, a patient with a terrible disease. In order to prevent abnormal factors from escaping the body, it must be ruthlessly shut out. this is exactly the huang Zheng dao. my worst guess is that he's some kind of werewolf who reveals himself and is eliminated by a secret team as soon as possible.

but he couldn't sit back and wait for death. he spent the entire morning wrestling with his thoughts. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

he still has to contact the occult team.

however, hwang Jeong-do was planning to contact the mysterious group in another way. hwang Jeong-do called his unit leader and vaguely told him that he wanted to know how to speak to a high-ranking official of the mysterious group.

Anyone who can sit in this position is a human being. After listening to huang Zheng dao's dictation, he vaguely guessed huang Zheng dao's situation. he agreed silently for a long time.

hwang Jeong-do was a little surprised that his unit mander was so \"rational\" that none of the words he had prepared in his mind were used.

with the help of his unit mander, hwang Jeong-do succeeded in contacting the veterans of the mysterious group, who did not know whether it was a trap or not.

hwang Jeong-do looked as crazy as a gambler, but his voice was especially calm when he walked over. ``...I need your help,'' he said, jokingly explaining his situation to the other person.

``how do you want us to help you?'' After hearing hwang Jeong-do's words, the man on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said, ``I don't want you to treat me the way you imagined, so I'd like to help you.'' Someone contacted me,\" he said quietly. bad treatment, it doesn't matter, I understand your attitude, please tell me, in the name of my secret leader, wei chengye, you will not be treated unfairly because you were involved in an ordinary incident. I can guarantee it. Guaranteed team for you. ”

316 shadows eaten by insects

An emergency meeting was held in a mysterious group to inform and discuss a strange incident that no one noticed. the members of the meeting were members of the pig and horse group, one of the 12 constellations of the mysterious group. .

``Video sleep aid, I didn't expect the usual elements to be here.'' the members of both teams all looked solemn, but at the same time they felt excited.

\"collecting munications intelligence is a module that our pig team is responsible for. our pig team did not immediately verify this normal factor. this is a dereliction of duty on our part.\" the leader of the pig team, a smart and handsome man, bowed his head with eyes filled with emotion. Guilt and resentment.

\"captain Zhu, this is not your fault. we can't cover everything. when faced with an abnormality, we humans are in a passive situation. we have no ability to prevent them from harming the human race before we bee aware of them.once we bee aware of them, we are basically powerless to resist them.''the leader of the horse herd said firmly. he has two thick eyebrows that are as delicate as his master's brush strokes. Although he looks rough and rough, he has a clear and beautiful voice. , it is pletely impossible to imagine its true form just by hearing its voice.

captain Zhu Jingzhi knew that captain mayou's words were true, but he could not calm down due to his sense of responsibility. Such statements could not console him. It was a kind of sophistry and evasion for him, which made him feel even more guilty.

the leader of the secret team, wei chengye, sat in the virtual projection between the two teams. he was sitting in a chair with his hands on his thighs. he spoke calmly to clear up the confusion between both teams. \"currently, the problem has not yet reached its worst stage. we discovered this anomaly at the first stage of expansion, the final impact is unknown, and everything was still in time.\"the problem bees serious. please get treatment before.

being responsible is good, but excessive responsibility is a kind of arrogance and arrogance that can get in the way. ”

hearing wei chengye's words, Zhu Jingzhi's face moved, showing embarrassment, then being embarrassed. he secretly clenched his fists and looked at the projected team leader, no longer in a \"pretentious\" attitude, waiting for the other party's orders.

Sensing the quick adjustment of Zhu Jingzhi's mind, wei chengye lightly nodded, calmly expressed satisfaction, and said, \"this unusual incident is very similar to the incident in the previous video. we we all have emergency response methods and experience. we know what to do, captain,\" mr. Zhu said. ”

hearing this, all the mysterious detectives present had strange expressions on their faces, their hearts were anxious, and their eyes were serious.

the videotape incident was an ordinary celestial event that occurred seven years ago. It originates from the contents of a cursed videotape that was accidentally spread on the Internet through live broadcasts and recordings of live broadcasts, causing a catastrophe whose exact death toll has yet to be calculated. , everyone who watches the video content is tortured to death by a mysterious force seven days after watching.

In this way, this sleep aid video incident is certainly similar.

“team Leader, if the event is like this, could it be caused by the same normal factors?” mom, you asked.

wei chengye shook his head, \"It's unlikely. According to the victim's explanation, who was pletely unaffected by the normal factors behind the sleep aid video, it's not like the power of blessing. he explains that his consciousness has passed for some time.'' the audio in the video reaches an extradimensional space and a giant demonic insect, Roshan, appears. All the sounds recorded in the sleeping pills video are the sounds of his physiological activities.

he deduced that anyone who heard the sound would attract the attention of Roshan, a demonic insect. If they disappeared quickly, they would be taken away by transdimensional demonic Roshan insects, brought to their dimensional realm, and eaten as food. ”

\"team leader, where is the reporter now?\" mom, you asked.

wei chengye knew what ma You wanted to do and said frankly: \"I sent someone to protect her in secret as soon as possible. the person who warned me felt that her life was short and did not want to disturb her in these last moments.\" agreed with him. From now on, I will try not to pose a danger to others and not influence others. he is obedient and stays at home. Also, I will respect his decisions and actively I told you I didn't want to bother you.'' then he would tell me the news he knew.'' ”

hearing this, ma You secretly nodded and stopped questioning the informant. Instead, he said, \"what does the team leader have to say about the unusual creature that the informant described?\"

``when I asked someone to investigate the anomalous factor sharing database between the current world and anomalous biological organizations, I discovered a legendary creature, a shadow eater, that exists in the heritage of an indigenous civilization on a small island in the southern continent.Shadow.these sentient beings... I love to eat.when the beast notices its presence, it also notices this beast, closes itself off as a beast, and slowly approaches until it tears through time and space and brings the beast from its back, its own existence. please enjoy your meal, dimension,” wei chengye said as he shared the information he had gathered.

\"the sounds emitted from the Shadow Eater's body have a unique and mysterious hypnotic ability. creatures that hear the sound fall asleep as a result. Inspiration. those with weak hearts realize that they can hear it. therefore, the shadow-eating insects torture the minds of animals until their minds are on the verge of collapse, especially targeting sleepless people who listen to regular videos and sleep.As if the animals bee more palatable then? Like. It's fascinating. the local natives like to use this legend to scare their sleep-deprived children. what if there were no actual historical documents documenting shadow-eating insects? , everyone would think it was a fable.”

After hearing the introduction of the shadow-eating insect, everyone present felt strange, but there were no major emotional fluctuations. these ordinary creatures were all kinds of strange and had different abilities. the more experience you have, the less likely you are to be shocked.

\"these shadow-eating insects are terrifying, but I don't think they appear any more frequently than other mon animals in the world, nor do we have more accurate and vivid stories about them. they are less visible to human vision. It shouldn't appear. It's the staple of their diet.\" Zhu Jingzhi looked at the information shared by wei chengye for a while, then frowned seriously and said, \"Evil is caused and strengthened by humans. Now, I am afraid of death. \"there are anti-social elements out there who don't. he clearly knows that.\" the hypnotic voice of the shadow-eating insect still remains in the shadow-eating insect, and it continues to spread as if it were a cursed being.

our top priority is to find the owner of the account that posted the disturbing video and to prevent him from continuing to post such disturbing videos to prevent the situation from escalating due to the impact of a normal incident. is to prevent it. ”

317 closed

\"please have a delicious meal.\"

hwang Jeong-do brought home the takeaway he had just received. this was his lunch and dinner today. he ordered a family bucket worth 149 yuan for himself.

the fried chicken burger is delicious and the cola is refreshing, but it's a little dry if you just eat it. Isn't it enough to acpany you while watching dramas or watching soccer games?

when hwang Jeong-do learned that his life was nearing the end and that his life was in danger, he now valued himself very much. his dog leader also consoled him with good intentions and said, \"Eat good food and don't treat yourself badly.\" It also allowed him to understand his situation better, so he inevitably became a little more unscrupulous. .

Family bucket was just the first takeout he ordered. Afternoon tea, which I didn't have the courage to order, will be ordered later.

hwang Jeong-do wanted to see it for a long time before clicking, but he was too busy with work and couldn't be bothered to go to the theater to see it. when it finally came online and I had some free time, I immediately clicked to watch it.

when huang Zheng-do was invited to bee a member and pay to watch Internet tV, he didn't hesitate for a second. he made the payment by directly scanning the qR code, placed the order, and the money was debited from his account all at once, without any worries.

the 60,000 yuan in savings he had accumulated over two years of work continues to dwindle at a pace that huang Zhengdao could never have imagined.

huang Zheng dao is a little confused, but he is very happy that he is a helpless person at the moment. he was born into a single-parent family and is the only family he has. his mother also passed away unexpectedly while he was in college. he doesn't have to worry about anything in this world.

In the past, the motivation behind hwangjeongdo's survival was always the simple reason of wanting to live. however, hwang Jeong-do simply gave up the struggle as he became hopeless and found it almost impossible to live in the present.

``does this butterfly really do anything?'' hwang Jeong-do looked at the butterfly that landed on the back of his hand. In fact, he had some expectations in his mind, but not many.

he removed the gloves that covered his tattoo so as not to stain them while eating.

the cabin in the forest that existed in the dream may have some unknown power, but it was difficult to distinguish between good and evil. he did not know whether he would live or die because of the butterfly he had bought with his own hands.

``It's really degenerated now.'' A group of mysterious black-clad men watch from afar as hwang Jeong-do parties and drinks at his home. Seeing that their partner was temporarily safe, the observers put down their telescopic instruments and turned to address him. Another colleague living in a temporary rented house also said the same thing.

As he spoke, he took a piece of red bean paste, received a cup of cold tea from a colleague on duty, and poured the dry bread into his stomach along with the tea.

\"decadent? I think this person has a good spirit,\" Zhu Jingzhi's voice came from the mysterious detective's receiver, and there was a hint of admiration in his tone.

``captain Zhu?'' the mysterious detective, who was eating red bean paste, was a little taken aback when he noticed the owner of the voice.

\"It's me, it's been a long time, brother mu Gao.\" Zhu Jingzhi said with a smile. After a short recollection, Zhu Jingzhi explained in a serious voice the mission of monitoring the target.

``Are you just a normal familiar again?'' After listening to Zhu Jingzhi's story, wu Gao slapped his sore thigh. After sitting down, he stood up again, leaned against the wall, and continued talking with Zhu Jingzhi.

Zhu Jingzhi heard wu Gao's unusual breathing and thudding feet, and asked worriedly, \"Are you okay?\"

``No problem, this is an old habit.'' Fo Gao rubbed his thigh and felt a hard lump in the fabric of his pants.

Futaka couldn't remember exactly how this ball was made. All he remembers is that it was injured during surgery, put him into a a, and when he woke up, he was frozen solid.

At first, takeo-kun also felt that he was infected by an abnormal factor that he could not control. however, after thorough examinations using state-of-the-art medical equipment, no abnormalities were found. he said, \"It's just a type of blood clot that's difficult to clean and hard to heal.\"

mr. taketaka did not dwell on the problem of his thighs. over time, I gradually got used to the pain.

however, I can't sit still for long periods of time. pared to the unfortunate people who suffer from unnatural things, we are truly lucky.

\"As a former member of the tiger Group, you have inherited all the glory of the tiger Group. In fact, sometimes you can also use your influence to make life less tiring.\" Zhu Jingzhi advised:

\"It's not my job, I'm not qualified.\" hearing the name \"tiger Group\", wu Gaojun's face darkened.

the tiger team is a legendary, mysterious team.the achievements of this team are astounding legends throughout the world, and the great achievements of this team cannot be expressed in the words \"excellent.\"

however, there are no flowers that bloom all year round. As time passes, the members of the tiger group disappear one by one until he is the only one left.

After the glorious sunset, the living always have to bear all the darkness alone.

takeko knew that the reason he was able to survive until now was because he was young and weak at the time. he was well protected by other team members. All the real dangers facing the team at the time never crossed his mind. , he did not rely on his own luck to survive, but on the lives of his teammates.

takeko always blamed himself and felt guilty about it, so he often forced himself to participate in work, on the one hand to train himself, and on the other to avoid inner condemnation.

today, bu Gaojun is considered a mature occult detective, and his rich and unique experience is enough to make everyone in the occult team respect and pay attention to him.

“then there are no plans to reorganize tiger Group Glory yet?” Zhu Jingzhi asked hesitantly.

wu Gao's expression was a little dull, he was silent for a while, and then said, \"I'm not ready.\"

he still felt unqualified.

After saying this, wu Gao Jun didn't want to talk about this matter any more and temporarily cut off contact with Zhu Jingzhi.

Zhu Jingzhi, who was hundreds of kilometers away, nodded when she saw the broken munication signal. he actually admired takeko's personality and abilities. In fact, not only him, but most people in the organization believed that wu Gaojun already had the qualifications and abilities. Regroup and escape with another group of tigers.

Zhu Jingzhi no longer pays attention to wu Gaojun’s matter. he and other team members focused on investigating the cause of the abnormal sleep vloggers. All team members were in front of puters typing away at their keyboards.

After two hours of work, Zhu Jingzhi and colleagues were able to find the real address of the blogger, who had several fake Ip addresses.

perhaps it's because he's seen his fan base soar, or maybe it's because the extraordinary powers of the sleep video gave him powerful illusions. this cautious vlogger, who used to never read private messages or open ment sections, actually appeared in a new ment section with an updated video, to which members of the mysterious detective Inogumi posing as fans responded.

After several checks, the interfering Ip was identified and finally confirmed to be most likely a real Ip address.

After this Ip address, Zhu Jingzhi immediately sent an introduction message to another zodiac team horse team that was ready.

318 people mitted suicide

According to location information sent by the pig team, members of the horse team parachuted into a civilian building in Zhongzhong village, a prefecture in Shunzhou city. the four dispatchers pretended to eat and sat down at a nearby snack bar.

Swing chairs have also been specially selected for better viewing.

After ordering, the four of us on the move chatted quietly as we waited for our famous hotpot milk to be served.

“can you confirm what floor and room number the person is?” ma You first asked Zhu Jingzhi, who connected with him via a wireless bluetooth headset. he knew that members of mr. Zhu's team were conducting further investigations after sending information about the location.

Sure enough, the pig team expanded their investigation and discovered more clues. Zhu Jingzhi said, \"we have found him. basically we should confirm that he is the prisoner himself. we will send the information to your cell phone. You can see for yourself.\" ta.

while speaking, Zhu Jingzhi let out a rare sigh.

hearing Zhu Jingzhi's plicated tone, the action quartet couldn't help but feel curious. they each turned on their cell phones and checked their information.

Name: don wen

gender male

housing registration: Suijyu city, Shinshu region

children of marriage: unmarried, no children

Family background: his parents were once the managers of one of the largest local investment panies in cuizhu city. they had a good family background and had everything they could get from an early age. however, both parents died on the night of the collapse. due to sudden events and the fact that at that time his parent pany was working on a new project. the city, which has been in ruins since the night of its collapse, included his parents' investments. As a result, after her parents died, she not only did not receive pensation or a large amount of property, but also owed a large amount of money to the bank.

Education: Graduated from Kunxing University, a famous university in china, majoring in puter science and technology. due to his outstanding expertise and extensive experience in petitions and awards during his studies, he is the 177th distinguished graduate to be inducted into the hall of talent in the 112 years since the school's founding.

current situation: In terms of spiritual life, after the night of collapse, dongwen, who lost his family, decides to e to Shunzhou city, where his girlfriend lives, to start a new life. however, it was not possible to talk about marriage because mon sense and concepts about normal things would not immediately spread to the world. the family of the lover and his girlfriend do not want to accept dong wen, who survived the night of collapse, and believe that dong wen is a normal danger that could easily endanger his life and bring misfortune. believe. In terms of professional life, due to his background, finding a job in the newly settled city was not smooth. No employer wanted to hire him after the night of the collapse. Since then, he has been making a living through part-time work. After that, he started some dark activities based on his knowledge of hacking skills...

the mysterious detectives fell into an endless silence. they had a bad feeling from the moment they saw the suspect's home registration information, and that's exactly what happened.

After the night of honkai Impact, a mysterious group took the lead in disseminating information to the public about what was obvious, and brought the organization behind the scenes to the surface. Although this movement was objectively positive, as anomalous events occur more and more frequently, people bee aware of the existence of anomalous things, and the spread of knowledge about anomalous things reduces people's chances of survival. It has increased significantly. however, it also created other unavoidable negative effects.

because people don't have enough knowledge about what's abnormal, most people use naive empiricism to label people affected or injured by normal events as \"deadly infections.\" It is equated with \"patients\", \"cursed by the devil or cursed by God\", and \"human beings\". people despise them and are afraid to avoid them, such as ``who despises them?'' and ``disasters that bring misfortune when they e into contact with them.''

In the early days, society called survivors of ordinary events \"disasters.\" Not only did they think they had no chance of surviving in a normal event, they felt they would be better off dying in a normal event. one of the \"disaster\" groups, and the largest in number, were the survivors of the night Suizhu city fell.

As soon as the occult groups discovered the problem, they spread the correct concepts to the public for a long time, accepting the survivors and saying they were tolerant.

but this had no effect. the survivors continued to clash with ordinary people who did not experience normal events. the conflict between the two countries is worsening and intensifying even under the false incitement of some malicious media. on the other hand, survivors who experience normal events actually have some physical and mental problems, and some of them act clearly different from normal people. this made the survivors increasingly unwele to the general public, and some survivors turned against the public altogether. .

being familiar with puters and hacking techniques, being a survivor of an authentic night, having experienced discrimination... these labels are applied to dong wen, and this person is the mastermind behind this unusual incident. this is almost pletely confirmed.

\"Let's finish reading.\" Zhu Jingzhi saw a long silence on the other side of the munication and realized that they had almost finished reading. he had mixed feelings, just like when he read dong wen's identity experience for the first time, and then said, ``I have contacted the owner of dong wen, and he will cooperate with our actions.'' . I have sent you the correct address information. You should be prepared.\" And always take action. ”

\"Understood.\" mr. ma was unable to calm down for a while, but this did not affect his decision on his next move.

the four members of the group ate the milk from the double boiler and immediately got up and went into the house where mr. dongwen lived.

Upon entering the residential building, the owner, who had been waiting at the entrance for a long time, immediately handed ma Friends a bunch of keys, told them dongwen's room number, and quickly rushed out. I'm watching. return

In room 608 on the 6th floor, ma Yu received the key of the corresponding room number and reached the door of the corresponding room.

First, equipment was used to monitor the situation in room 608, and the room was quiet and thermal imaging showed a humanoid object hanging high. this is very reasonable.

Suddenly feeling something unpleasant, the foursome immediately opened the door and went inside. And what they saw next froze them on the spot.

A middle-aged man with thick hair hung himself in the center of the room, his whole body spinning and swaying helplessly on a hanging rope.

After being stunned for a while, they came to their senses and let the man down, but they realized that dong wen could not be saved, and also confirmed that the hanged man was dong wen himself.


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