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第7章 沉没城市的中心



1. 梦想深渊:R'lyeha 是一个梦想对其居民拥有巨大力量和影响力的地方。这座城市永远笼罩在浓郁而空灵的雾气中,这是所有众生梦想的管道。这些梦交织在一起,塑造了现实的结构,产生了奇怪和超现实的现象。

2. 疯狂潮汐:R'lyeha 潮汐的潮起潮落不是由月球的引力决定的,而是由梦想中的民众的心理共鸣决定的。这些精神潮汐在城市中汹涌澎湃,随着每一波浪潮而改变景观和建筑。建筑物可能会自行移动和重塑,街道可能会出现和消失,整个地区可能会根据城市居民的集体梦想而显现或消失。

3. 幻觉实体:R'lyeha 是居住在梦境中的一系列精灵生物和幻觉实体的家园。这些实体诞生于潜意识最黑暗的深处,表现为各种形式的怪诞融合,并表现出扭曲现实的能力。他们既受到R'lyeha居民的恐惧和尊敬,因为它们是这座城市集体梦想和噩梦的化身。


5. 疯狂的面纱:R'lyeha 存在于一个疯狂和理智之间的界限很薄的领域,一个人对现实的感知不断受到挑战。R'lyeha的居民必须在危险的心理环境中航行,清醒和妄想之间的界限模糊不清。疯狂既是一种诅咒,也是一种礼物,它使那些拥抱它的人能够挖掘他们隐藏的思想深处并解锁非凡的能力。然而,它也带来了陷入不可逆转的疯狂的风险。

在R'lyeha的世界里,现实的法则是可塑的,梦想拥有难以想象的力量,一个古老的宇宙神灵的存在塑造了存在的结构。在这个地方,心灵是终极战场,真实和想象之间的界限变成了纯粹的幻觉。然而,这是一个需要谨慎的世界,因为解开其秘密的代价是陷入疯狂。第1章 梦见罗丽哈










但当哈特利博士深入研究R'lyeha的奥秘时,阴影落在了她的道路上。马尔科姆·布莱克伍德(malcolm blackwood)教授是一位雄心勃勃的考古学家,他渴望权力,试图将克苏鲁从沉睡中唤醒。他相信,通过利用古代神的力量,他可以重塑世界以适应自己扭曲的欲望。






maelstrom Enclave is a deep adventure in the heart of the Lovecraftian universe.

Geography and Location

the maelstrom Enclave is a vast space that never changes like an iceberg as the environment changes and evolves. You’ll find obsidian ships and huge coral reefs that look like they’ve been torn from the cruel hearts of ancient foreign architects. In this nightmare, the sparkling sea and phosphorus flow directly to the blue beach and surrounding forest, and the permanent trees reach out to wonders.

disorders of Astronomy

pure fear came over me. In this cursed world there is no light in either the sun or the moon, instead a changing sky of the familiar and the impossible hangs before your eyes. with puffy eyes, looking down mercilessly, a group of snakes shiver and scream, revealing the mighty and unknown secrets of nature.

they are crazy people

the residents of the maelstrom region were as chaotic as the region itself. It is home to ancient monsters, monsters from the deepest depths, humble Isis, and new monsters born from the surrounding darkness. these animals are inclined to serve older people who do not always understand. they may invite interested researchers to participate in strange ceremonies that promise enlightenment but can ultimately lead to insanity.

It was a turbulent time

the time here is fractured and unstable, creating the strangeness of a strange time. Guests can meet the ghosts of their ancestors or see the dark side of the future. Unprecedented events can be disruptive, and enclave activity transmits vibrations over time, disrupting history and the future.

A stupid word

munication in the maelstrom Enclave is not easy. many times the people of this country speak in a language that the people do not understand. Understanding these strange words requires a deeper understanding of the madness prevalent in this country. mastering stupid language can ruin your purity, but it can help you discover the hidden truths of the universe.

A bad product

Remnants and unknown objects were scattered throughout the whirlpool enclave. these awesome artifacts have the power to distort reality, but their use can be destructive. the punch that captures forbidden information straight into the brain is a mirror that mirrors reality with a few examples.

the unspeakable truth.

crazy Geometry: the fabric of space time is distorted in Lurasia. cities and places seem to have been built by the imagination of mad architects. this path meets at a non-Euclidean angle, leading the traveler to an impossible path. the clouds in the sky are constantly changing into strange colors and mysterious shapes.

crazy plants: Laresia is full of gigantic plants, some of which seem to be associated with the tent of the evil leader cthulhu. these chronic wrinkles can drive people crazy if touched or inhaled. In the cold screaming forest, the trees are whispering terrible secrets in their mouths.

Sea subsidence: this area is located in a large sea that is constantly under pressure from the weight of surface water. Ruluizia residents often pass through flooded chambers and tunnels hidden by strange sea creatures.

mystery: the people of Laresia sincerely worship cthulhu, but their understanding of the unit is fragmented and uneven. through magical rituals and magical skills, he was able to interpret cthulhu’s dreams and see forgotten knowledge.

Eternity: time is an abstract concept in Ruluizia. the day may last forever, but a few minutes go by. Experiences and memories are blurred, past and present indistinguishable, and natives confused.

dreamy Architecture: Rajesha’s architecture is in between nightmares and fever dreams. these structures are built around huge coral reefs that often bend and vibrate with their own living energy, defying the laws of science.

cosmic Entanglement: the universe of Leyesia is full of evil beings who spin and dance in the sky. If these animals are dangerous

dengan setiap keterangan terkod dan setiap lapisan musuh Enclave terbuka, thurston menjadi lebih jauh sudut dalam jaringan Kosmik mana-mana entiti dan kebenaran utama penjelasan yang dia tentukan adalah seperti membuka kotak pandora, membatalkan rahsia yang, setelah ditemukan, tidak pernah boleh dilupakan

bab ini dalam kisah perkhidmatan jurnal thurston sebagai ujian untuk pembelian pengetahuan yang tidak berhubungan, pembelian yang melemparkan sebagai pembelian alasan dan dihantar dalam hati yang tidak diketahui dalam menentukan penjelasan yang tidak suci dari Enclave maelstrom, thurston memeriksa lebih dekat kepada kebenaran eksklusif yang terletak di tengah-tengah kerajaan lama ini, kebenaran yang akan selama-lamanya mengubah laluan keberadaannya dan tujuan orang-orang yang akan mengikuti laluan kriptiknya

**bab 5: bernegosiasi dengan bayangan**

dalam kroniki akhir Enclave maelstrom, akaun jurnal william thurston terus terbuka dalam bab ini, kita menyaksikan pengaruh periodik thurston dan turun secara perlahan ke kegilaan yang menentukan pengejarannya di dalam kerajaan lama.

thurston, dipandu oleh ketiga yang tidak berkaitan untuk memahami dan misteri invasif yang dikuasai enklava, mendapati dirinya di crossloads pilihan persatuannya dengan orang Yitian, yang menawarkan perhatian ke dalam perut masa lalu, telah memberikan dia akses kepada mana-mana insiden dan rahsia yang lama hilang pada masa

Ya, permintaan Yitian GREw, dan harga pengetahuan mereka ditentukan sebagai pecahan kesehatan thurston penglihatan peradaban masa lalu dan entiti genomik yang telah dibentuk sejarah telah diuji kepadanya makna yang tidak menentukan manusia dalam tapis besar cosmos

Sebagaimana dia mengambil perjalanan lebih dalam ke dalam Enclave maelstrom, thurston telah tidur oleh deep ones, bahaya kerajaan air dan pengawal impian yang memegang penglihatan lama Great old ones the deep ones melanjutkan tawaran: mereka akan berkongsi impian mereka, yang disimpan oleh pengaruh kesalahan kosmik, sebagai balasan untuk potongan-potongan higiene angin thurston

dalam memasukkan persekutuan ini, thurston dipindahkan ke dalam alam mimpi dan penglihatan yang menentukan perintah alam penglihatan-penglihatan ini mengungkapkan aspek grotesk, yang tidak dapat mencapai, dan aspek yang menakutkan entiti yang menulis pemahaman manusia dia melihat kekacauan, kesalahan primordial yang tidak mempunyai tempat dalam alam alasan

penukaran thurston dengan deep ones menyebabkan menambah penglihatan terlarang ini beliau mendapati dirinya terperangkap oleh janji putaran lebih lanjut, walaupun sebagai tangkapannya pada kebijaksanaan lemah dengan setiap mimpi gelap pengetahuan yang mereka berkongsi adalah lengkung dan hadiah, kata laluan dua pinggir yang dipotong ke dalam pengalaman yang sebenarnya

persatuan yang dipaksa di dalam Enclave, seperti dampak yang rapuh ditutup dalam pasir yang bergerak kegilaan, tepatnya bayaran yang semakin meningkat pada fikiran thurston dia naik jalan yang jelas antara keinginan pengetahuan dan ketepatan kegilaan.

Impak dengan Yitian dan deep ones mewakili titik pusingan dalam odyssey thurston, saat ketika harga pengetahuan datang dalam pertimbangan perubahan yang dia dengar tidak tanpa urutan, dan dia dipaksa untuk menyesuaikan dengan kejar antara permintaannya untuk pemahaman dan bencana mimpi buruk Enclave maelstrom

Sebagaimana bab ini dalam anul Enclave terbuka, kita menyaksikan perjuangan thurston dengan konflik dalaman, perjuangan antara tahun untuk revisi dan pakaian yang berlebihan yang datang sebagai seorang penonton yang pernah hadir bekas dia dengan bayangan, dalam bentuk entiti lain dunia, adalah ujian untuk sifat yang tidak berkaitan pembeliannya, pembelian yang akan membawa dia dalam ke dalam jalur gelap kosmik yang tidak diketahui

Akaun jurnal yang menyedihkan thurston layak sebagai peringatan permulaan untuk menarik pengetahuan terlarang yang tidak dapat dihindari, menarik yang memerlukan bayaran urutan yang paling besar dalam memeluk sekutu-sekutu tua dari Enclave maelstrom, thurston diuji pada pinggir kegilaan, berhati-hati dalam siklus kembalian yang tidak berkaitan yang selamanya mengubah jalur keberadaannya

**bab 6: bahasa Kegilaan**

dalam kroniki yang tidak menyebabkan Enclave maelstrom, kami memulakan akaun odyssey william thurston yang tidak berkaitan. bab ini terbuka sebagai thurston terlibat dalam misteri esoterik Enclave, menguasai bahasa genomik Kegilaan

Setelah melarikan diri ke dalam tanah genomik Enclave maelstrom, permintaan thurston untuk tidak diketahui membawa dia ke dalam - bahasa yang tidak seperti mana-mana pengetahuan untuk pemahaman manusia bahasa ini, yang disebut sebagai bahasa Kegilaan, adalah tapis berlian dan perempuan yang berputar-putar, masing-masing membina semula dengan eko-eko kesilapan kosmik yang melewati sempadan pengetahuan

pohon yang sentient dari whispering woods telah pertama kali memperkenalkan sekutu ini kepada thurston bahasa itu boleh dipahami, bunyi-bunyinya mengandungi perasaan mimpi dan orientasi Ya, thurston bersaing untuk memahami kesulitan, kerana dia percaya ia membantu kunci untuk membuka rahsia yang dikoncepsikan dalam Enclave maelstrom

penghakiman thurston untuk menguasai bahasa Kegilaan adalah jurnal arbitrari ke dalam abdomen yang tidak diketahui bahasa ditakrif konvensi bahasa awal, melalui kesimpulan logik dan struktur Ia adalah satu cara untuk berkomunikasi dengan entiti yang tinggal di luar sempadan pemahaman manusia, entiti yang wujud menganggap kesilapan dan ketakutan dalam ukuran yang sama

pada masa, thurston mengungkapkan kod kriptik bahasa Kegilaan, belajar untuk bercakap dan memahaminya dengan kejam yang menakutkan Setiap perkataan sibolik berkembang lebih dekat ke abds, dan setiap perkataan bertukar melindungi fikirannya dalam semakin meningkat bahagian kegilaan

dengan bukti bahasa yang baru ditemukannya, thurston berkomunikasi dengan penyerangan Enclave adalah yang fikiran masih hidup, motivasi mereka tidak boleh dilakukan orang-orang yang mendustakan tindak balas sebenar ini dalam jenis, berkongsi rahsia dan kembalinya yang menyebar batas pemahaman manusia

penukaran ini memberikan thurston pengetahuan tentang kebenaran yang tersembunyi dari Enclave maelstrom, asalnya, dan entiti yang hilang di atas tanah seperti fakta bayangan dia belajar tentang sebuah perpustakaan tersembunyi, sebuah repositori pengetahuan yang bersamaan dengan bintang-bintang mereka sendiri, sebuah tempat di mana teks yang paling dilarang dan paling teruk menunggu orang-orang yang melalui cukup untuk memutuskan mereka

Yu Lianyun nodded heavily and slowly climbed down from the well with the help of two men, he Jiaan and wei Jiang.

however, in the process of descending the mountain, Yu Lianyun encountered two kinds of difficulties. Needless to say, there was fear in his heart. As I rose and fell, the light overhead grew darker and my cold, wet breath became heavier. , fear is about to break from the heart beating violently, and another difficulty is the objective environment. the inner walls of the rock are covered in moss and an unidentified slimy liquid, making it difficult to see the gaps in the walls. .

I don't know how much time has passed, but Yu Lianyun finally felt the cold water on his toes. Yu Lianyun was shivering as the near-zero temperature traveled from her toes to her head.

\"I'm done!\" Yu Lienyun shouted from the top of the well, but when he looked up, it was pitch black above, and the so-called rope around his waist had long since disappeared without a trace. Immediately his brain went into panic mode and he felt like he was the second white woman. the only solution was to block it. he almost lived and died in this cold, leaning on the bones of a woman dressed in white.

“hallucination, this is all a hallucination.” Yu Lianyun told herself that what she was seeing now was not real. If you calm down and think carefully, you will realize that there are many contradictions in what happened to you.

If he Jia'an and the others really resealed pi's head and cut the rope on his body, the part of the rope around his waist should still be there, and the entire rope should not have disappeared.

Soon, the people above, including Li Jian, also discovered something unusual below. Suddenly the rope vibrated and a huge force pulled on the rope on the other side. this was not a normal phenomenon.

Li Jian and wei Jiang were unable to keep the rope descending. they walked to the edge of the altar and struggled to hold on to the ropes to fight the forces below. Li Yingqi took this opportunity to confirm the following situation. he started Yu Lianyun, took out a dV with night vision from his backpack, took a photo of the abyss, and continued to crawl.

I saw a faceless woman in white clothes submerged in the water. he then firmly pressed Yu Lianyun's head and pushed him into the water, hoping to drown him.

\"hey!\" Li Yingqi's palms and forehead were sweating profusely. he pretended to be strong and clearly shouted, \"Let me go!\"

the faceless woman seemed to hear something, but she didn't move. he still pushed Yu Lianyun’s head into the water. he raised his head and faced her with a face without eyes, mouth, or nose, as if Li Yingqi was the next target.

Li Jian and wei Jiang, who were on the side, heard Li Yingqi's words and immediately guessed that there seemed to be something underground. this put Yu Lianyun in danger. they didn't dare to be careless. they pulled the rope tight to separate the air from the ground. the existence of an unknown struggle.

“I’m here to help too!” Li Yingqi saw that he Jia’an and wei Jiang could only match the power of the faceless girl below. he quickly joined the fight to save the situation. he jumped behind the two men and fought the faceless girl below. the Lady of death takes part in the tug of life.

15 blessings spread around the world

Under constant tug of war, Yu Lianyun, trapped in the illusion created by the faceless woman, was also fighting with her own heart.

he searched for the woman's white body in the cold, dark water. he continued to grope under and around it with his hands. the water in the well was deeper than I expected. If he doesn't find it, he has no choice but to keep sinking.

however, Yu Lianyun gradually became unable to do what he wanted to do. After all, he was just a regular guy and his water skills were nothing special.

I felt like I couldn't breathe and wanted to float away, but I stopped when I noticed strong resistance. he looked up and saw a woman dressed in white with red eyes, a pale face, and thin hands hovering above him. he tightened his grip around her neck, preventing her from ing up for air.

the more Yu Lianyun begged, the more the woman in white choked. Gradually, Yu Lianyun lost consciousness.

on the way to death, Yu Lianyun was once again struck by a great inspiration and once again saw the memory of the woman in white.

the only difference was that the memory that Yu Lianyun saw was slightly different from the content of the video he saw before. It began with the childhood of a woman dressed in white. I also learned for the first time that the real name of the woman in the white coat was Yao Zhenzhen. .

Yao Zhenzhen's parents divorced when she was young, and she grew up with her father. her father's attitude towards her was shy and she did not remarry. I raised him as if he had fulfilled his life's mission, and after he became an adult, I treated him as if he had fulfilled his duty. Just hang out around the house.

Ever since her parents divorced, Yao Zhenzhen had never felt the love of her family. For him, his love for his family remains in his memory from when he was six years old. Simple but hot. when he does something good, his parents smile and praise him. I pat myself on the back when I get good grades at school. when he does something wrong, he hesitates to give a small punishment and pretends to be a ferocious man. Even the harsh scolding from my parents is a hot memory of those days. in.

After losing her father, Yao Zhenzhen missed her mother, who she hadn't seen for over 10 years, and longed for the taste of family love. After his father's death, he went on a journey to find his mother.

After searching for more than a year, he finally found the face in his memory, only to realize that his mother had started a new family and never had the courage to recognize it. he seemed to be living happily and his mother seemed to have forgotten about him. Now he has a daughter just like her, but when he meets her for the first time, he cannot recognize her.

Yao Zhenzhen was envious of her mother's new family. he moved next door to his mother's house in hopes of being closer to her in the future.

however, Yao Zhenzhen did not expect that the situation would develop in an unexpected way.

he visited his neighbor as a new neighbor. when she nervously visited her mother's current residence, her mother's current husband and son suddenly seemed captivated by her beauty.

At first, his mother treated him very warmly, but one day after a week, she began to look at him with evil eyes, and sometimes used unpleasant words such as \"whore\" and \"embarrassing\". Now it emits. , Although it hurt Yao Zhenzhen once, he was actually able to guess some of the reasons for the change in his mother's attitude.

because during this period, he became aware of the behavior of his father and second son who were watching over him, and realized that their behavior was gradually being more pathological.

one night, he heard his mother arguing with two men at home. they seemed to be arguing about women. he could think of the woman as himself.

Yao Zhenzhen was surprised, blamed himself in his heart, and felt regretful, but he also felt a little strange happiness in his heart.

when his mother secretly spoke ill of him, he remembered how his mother criticized and blamed him when he made mistakes as a child. In fact, in those dirty words, he felt the love of his estranged family.

As a result, her mother's attitude toward her \"neighbors\" became increasingly brutal, from verbal attacks to physical confrontations, but she had no intention of leaving and did not believe that her mother had done anything wrong. I wasn't feeling it.

one day, he saw his mother crushed under a wheel, saw a paring knife in her hand, and saw the deformed and twisted corpse and expressionless face, and finally realized his mistake.

I did. when at last he could not help shouting \"mom\" loudly from above the corpse, he suddenly saw the lifeless corpse of his mother suddenly twitch strangely, and then he opened his eyes angrily. , shed two lines of blood and tears.

After her mother died, Yao Zhenzhen was overe with grief and cried alone by an abandoned stone well in her village.

At that time, every house had water and pipes installed. No one went to the well to draw water or maintain the well. therefore, the maple forest has had wells since ancient times. A secluded place is good for sad people to relieve their sad feelings.

however, something that Yao Zhenzhen did not expect had not yet e.

the hearts of a father and son living next door have been distorted and ugly for a long time. basically speaking, their mother's death was actually their bad thoughts and actions that caused this tragedy. After seeing their mother's death, they seemed to have a sudden \"epiphany\" and didn't seem to feel much remorse for their actions. Sorry, they thought that Yao Jensen was the witch who seduced their souls, and put all the blame on Yao Jensen.

that day, when Yao Zhenzhen was crying alone by the well, without any warning, the father and son who had been following him suddenly jumped out of the darkness, started violently, and the two killed Yao Zhenzhen in the well and sealed her away. . Save the cement with it. Exit

Under these circumstances, Yao Zhenzhen, who was sealed under paie and feared to die alone, harbored great hatred and resentment towards humanity and the world. mixed with some unknown force, Yao Jensen's negative emotions turned into fear. the curse was preserved on videotapes, which were popular at the time. while watching the video, majestic's grudge bees a target and explodes...

\"You are not the bad party in this matter. You are very angry and distressed...\" In fact, Yu Lianyun floated in the water and weakly pushed the faceless woman's palm, I hugged her. No problem, you are entitled to do this. ”

Yu Lianyun felt that the things in her arms were rotting and falling, but this time she did not feel afraid. he just stopped and said quietly: \"okay, from now on you don't have to stay alone in this dark hole. e out on earth and hate the whole world to your heart's content.\"

Yu Lianyun stroked the angular bones, and Yao Zhenzhen's bones were peaceful and peaceful.

At that moment, a cold black wind rose from the bottom of the water, turned into an updraft, broke through the ceiling, and flowed into the full moon night sky.

thunder rumbled outside, and a faint banshee-like scream rang through the sky.

Seeing this scene, he Jian's heart trembled, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

After Yu Lianyun returned Yao Zhenzhen's body to the ground, he Jian couldn't help but grab the other person's chest and asked loudly, \"what did you do!?\"

“It’s okay, don’t worry,” Yu Lianyun said quietly. “I just spread my blessings to the whole world…”

Six Live

Yu Lianyun’s words were shocking, and he Jia’an and others’ expressions changed dramatically. they never expected that Yu Lianyun could do such a thing and that the so-called curse would be released so easily.

Facing everyone's gloomy faces, Yu Lianyun was silent for a while and said, \"You can think of this as a source of blessings. If they are not released, the power of blessings will be unknown to us. \"Video tape Like everyone else in the world, they die under the power of a blessing, but if that blessing is distributed to everyone in the world, that blessing is fixed at one point. It's not going to explode, and I'm afraid it won't. . ”

he looked seriously at the three people in front of him and said, \"this is the only way to solve the blessing problem. I hope you understand.\"

\"can you guarantee what you said? who told you this solution?\" Li Jia'an took a deep breath with a serious expression. he tried his best to control his anger and remain calm.

Yu Lianyun sighed. \"I can't guarantee it, and I don't deny that there is a selfish motive.\"

on the one hand, he wanted to survive, but on the other hand, he wanted to save Yao Zhenzhen's soul.

“Yu Lianyun, from now on you have been arrested. You will be sent to the toughest prison in the xuanmei group. I hope this world will be as you wish and nothing will happen. ” Li Jia’an looked at Yu Lian in disappointment. Yun, he originally noticed that Yu Lianyun was talented due to his recent performances. he thought that if Yu Lianyun could survive the \"Seven days of death\" curse, he would consider remending him to the upper management and making him a mysterious figure. members of the group.

Yu Lianyun remained silent. he was ready to be imprisoned, and he was ready to die.

At this time, none of the three members of xuanmi's group could sense Yu Lianyun's abnormality. only Yu Lianyun, who had close contact with the source of hopeless blessing in the well, could feel it. the blessings spread throughout the world, but the blessings that existed within them did not disappear, but only slightly diminished.

he might still die tomorrow.

however, from now on, no one will die watching videos.

From this point of view, he sacrificed himself to protect humanity and achieved great success, but there was no guarantee of success.

``president Lin, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet you again.'' Yu Lianyun thought to herself that she was already practicing the ``best of both worlds'' approach that Lin Ling had mentioned. there was no attempt at all to resolve the grudge that could not be wiped away. Instead, it helps spread and channelize. this is the result that boss Lin wants.

boss Lin is not a good person. Yu Lianyun knows this very well, but she carefully remembers what boss Lin always said, and she is not a liar either.

this also es from his keen intuition. he probably heard from hymorphen that the problem was resolved and believed that if he listened to Linlin's words, he would be able to survive, but fighting against anomalies requires courage and bravery. he narrowly died but survived.

Now that his courage and luck are exhausted, everything depends on whether he has more points at the life gambling table or better death skills.

Seeing Yu Lianyun with her long hair cut and wearing a prison uniform, the members of the secret team in charge of escorting her, he Jian'an, Li Yingqi, and wei Jiang, returned to the secret team headquarters with mixed emotions. .

Returning to the headquarters, he Jian and the other three received news that the members of the mysterious group affected by the corpse of an unidentified woman had all woken up today, and the invasion of extradimensional beings had stopped.

Li Jian and the other three were also very surprised by this. At first, I thought that this time it would only alleviate the hallucinatory state of the members, but I did not expect that it would even \"cure\" the invasion of extradimensional life forms.

when this happened, the three of he Jiaan naturally wanted to find someone and investigate. As it happened, they were scheduled to report to the team leader.

After the team leader asks what happened in this mission, he Jiang and the other three look at each other and plement each other, including the final scene where Yu Lianyun releases a \"blessing\" to the whole world. explained everything. . Action.

After listening to mr. he Jian's story about what happened during the mission, the team leader fell into a long silence.

the leader's silence made the three workers feel uneasy and their hearts pounded.

After a long time, the team leader finally speaks and says, \"the blessing may have begun to have an effect. It is affecting the world in unknown ways. those who escaped the influence of the unknown woman's corpse... , I actually saw certain clips in the video.'' . . screenshot. ”

\"didn't you delete the video!?\" Li Jian'an was a little shocked, but then realized that the team leader might have done this intentionally.

\"Yes, but we have saved some photos,\" the team leader explained, as expected, the next moment.

Li Jiang and the other three couldn’t help clenching their fists.

\"I know this is hard for you to understand.\" the team leader glanced at the three of them, shook his head, turned away, sighed, and said quietly, \"Like our mystic team. people like you don't die well. If we can let them die, they can find a better way to escape.\"

the team leader turned his head and continued. \"their first state after seeing the screen was similar to Yu Lianyun's first state after watching the videotape. Every day they saw the ghost of a woman with eyes that showed the countdown of her life. but coincidentally, after the day Yu Lianyun lifted the curse, they no longer dreamed of the female ghost. It looks like the curse has really disappeared. of course, we cannot guarantee it. they are the important point. ”.watch it today. ”

hearing this, he Jian'an's three people immediately felt solemn. this is because today is the day when Yu Lianyun's ``Seven days of death'' will occur. If he were to die from the curse today, it would mean that the videotape blessing has not been lifted. on the contrary, Yu Lianyun Yun is a great achievement. Not only will he be able to escape from prison, but he will also have the opportunity to officially bee a member of the prison.

After a while, he Jian's three people, followed by a group of team leaders and key members of the organization's headquarters, came into the conference room and started watching the real-time surveillance video.

the main character of this video is Yu Lianyun, who was imprisoned in a prison with no sense of time. the other person seems to know that his death is near and paces the room anxiously.

Finally, the moment of Yu Lianyun's death came, and everyone watched the strange phenomenon that happened to Yu Lianyun on the surveillance camera.

Yu Lianyun suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked into the mirror. then he thought he saw something approaching. he continued to back up and screamed, \"No! No! don't e here. oh!\"

Amid the screams of pain, Yu Lianyun was suddenly lifted into the air by an unknown force, and her eyes turned white. the opponent's limbs were destroyed by great force, twisted, and fell from the sky. he fell from a height and landed on the bed, not knowing if he was alive or dead.

Afterwards, the guard, who was observing the situation inside the cell, ran immediately after receiving the order to check on Urienun's current situation.

the next moment, he Jian'an gasped as the three people present heard the voice of the palace guard.

\"Report! he's alive!\"

17 years old is not a big deal

man's greatest flaw is arrogance.

Yu Lianyun understood this very well. Although he knew he was ready to die, he did not expect that his spirit would always be overe by reality.

Right now, he is an ordinary person who survives by luck, and he will continue to be an ordinary person. In this peaceful but mysterious world, he is like a rat living in a dark alley.

\"Are you sick?\" Li Yingchi asked anxiously, standing by the hospital bed.

After listening to the other party's words, Yu Lianyun's dead face showed a slight stiffness, and he turned his head slightly and said, \"okay, I can't die anymore.\"

\"So far, your plan has been successful. the blessing that was suppressing you has weakened, and at the same time you have saved your friends who were affected by the woman's corpse,\" Li Yingqi said.

\"buddy?\" Yu Lianyun's eyes showed surprise.

“Yes, you are also part of the mysterious team from today onwards,” Li Yingchi smiled. “when you get better, wei Jiang, team Li and I will celebrate your arrival.”

Yu Lianyun slowly smiled and said, “thank you” from the heart.

\"Get some rest. I'll e see you again when I've had some time to talk to you. You're doing well, but it's not very humane. I think you can do that if you don't have anyone with you.\" I feel a little bored. ” After Li Yingqi arranged flowers for visiting patients in a vase on the bedside table, she said goodbye to Yu Lianyun with a smile and left the ward.

After Li Yingqi left, Yu Lianyun, who was wrapped like a mummy except for her head, stared at the ceiling. the silence reminded him of what happened on the day the \"Seven days of death\" blessing took effect.

but if so

So, this is the plan.

Vespasian would not allow this to stop his plans.

therefore, the program is well prepared.

It covers the enemy attack.

(but that's not possible.)

Although Vespasian felt that such a thing was impossible.

but he never forgot what should be done.

with such a plan, even if the enemy is a hovercraft pilot, you can defeat him.

No matter what kind of outside support old murloc received, he survived the evil god's sacrifice.

Vespasian didn't care because he had the means to kill him.

At this moment, it seems that there is no inparable power within and above the light of the star.

temple divers sing hymn-like songs.

Unimaginable powers gathered in the temple and continued to grow.

After three hours of waiting, Vespasian opened his hands.

he seemed to want to swallow the power of heaven.

- he said.

\"time to begin, director Lurich.\"

Lulu's secretary did not respond to what Vespasian said.

he proves it with his actions.

the woman sang with an angelic voice, and the music sounded like the sounds of nature.

I can't hear the meaning of the words, but I'm sure it's as beautiful as a hymn under this beautiful tree.

It is a spirit word that refers to \"God.\"

the spiritual power of the infinite waters, the divine power of the sky, the darkness of the earth - everything is in the poems of the author of R'leh.

darkness came, and the nameless master returned from the depths.

Separated from heaven and born from heaven.

during the explosion, some great people passed through the world.

this great creature is like a diver, his eyes are like the sun and the moon, and every measure from his mighty body is like the size of a continent.

the great soul standing here is parable to heaven.

the powerful magic power continued to pour out, and even the existence of the world disappeared.

this great thing was a god, an evil god, and a great old man.

An ancient ruler named dagon, an alien god from a land of dreams and chaos.

From the dark world to the modern world.

\"Is this God?\"

Vespasian laughed.

the maiden's song was sung continuously in the dark and damp temple.

the image of the evil god shows the sky, the earth, and the land in between.

\"dagon, dagon, God dagon\"

the divers were overjoyed and said they had met their idol.

however, the evil god did not reveal the good news.

\"dagon is very hungry.\"

the evil god raised a frustrated voice.

At the same time, bad things can happen.

All life is quiet in Innsmouth.

Even a small island or the surrounding town.

All life is processed.

however, the evil god did not take Vespasian's life.

he witnessed countless lives saved by the evil god dagon.


Vespasian continued to laugh loudly, whereupon the woman stopped singing and Luli, the client, returned to her normal form.

\"what? You want us all to fall prey to you?\"

the old half-murko became a mummy.

but he can still talk.

the corpse speaks.

Instead of being a corpse, you use magic to control the corpse.

\"Really? only the clones came here? can they act in this situation?\"

\"that's not true, this body is mine.\"

the ancient murloc rejected Vespasian's ideas.

\"but if you want to live forever, isn't there another way?\"

the old man's body turned to ashes.

two pieces of glass fell into the ashes.

then the soul appears as God.

he is also alive and heading towards dagon's body.


(Satan is swallowed up by God - the best oute).

Vespasian thought to himself.

Although the summoned dagon is not perfect, God is God, and this is a power that cannot be countered by humans.

this is the first next step


Vespasian surprised the man who ran to dagon risking his life.

It seems like an unthinkable event.

And indeed, it is. because this soul was not swallowed by dagon, but transformed into such a cycle.

the orb penetrated dagon's face and absorbed dagon's body.

dagon's eyes widened in confusion before Vespasian realized what had happened.

he was talking about people.

\"Finally, I also gained the power of God.\"

dagon said in a strange voice.

At this point, Vespasian realized that one of the group was dagon.

possession of the gods.

this was the ultimate goal of the black Sanctuary, but it was only slightly achieved.


\"I'm not good\"

dagon said as he moved, devouring every soul and spirit around him.

but this is not the way to satisfy his hunger.

At this time, dagon's arrival was inplete.

It is not enough to call him God.

but if you think about it, it makes sense because that is the only understanding of the oral sanctum.

call upon the gods and summon a truly perfect clone of the evil god. the book magic and Spiritual Roots will show you how this is possible.

If possible, you don't need to spend a lot of time preparing for the black Sanctuary tutorial, it's enough to read it again.

dagon: No, not God.

Jon bit, the last survivor of Inboga and a demon of the evil god dagon, gained immortality through horcrux magic and took this body in preparation for the arrival of the evil god.

when he became a deep diver, he learned how to control God and how to be controlled by God.

the reason for the surrender of the dead is because of the souls stolen from the evil god.

we Need an Evil God John needs a job done with an Evil God clone, and he has to do it.

If dagon is not cloned, even if he bees immortal through the magic of the horcruxes, he will not be able to escape the terrible spirit and the terrible power of the god.

It is impossible to carry the body of God.

I can only accept such a pletely meaningless false god.

Although the evil god dagon does not show his true form, he is powerful enough to control the clones.

If there's a reason, it's because evil gods can interfere in the world, and they're just clones.

\"Your munication skills are bad!\"

As he screamed, the evil god's magic turned into a terrible storm, following his will.

Like thunder, the magic of the evil god collapsed into a terrible disaster.

many rivers burst their banks and their bodies were sacrificed.

Everyone there died, and the hand covering the sky opened as if trying to destroy it.

In the human world, it is called \"heaven,\" but it represents an invincible force, a divine force that moves and dances in the forest.

Vespasian watched this scene with great joy.

he used an Advanced transfer spell and appeared at the edge of the temple.

Although he was far away, the magician's vision allowed him to see this terrible evil god.

Even as an advisor to the black Sanctuary, he could not defeat such a monster.

magicians are also powerless before God.

Even if the demon God was activated, the result would be the same, but Vespasian did not see this as a problem.


Vespasian secretly shook his head when he saw the current work of the ancient evil god.

then I saw a small boat heading in the distance.

this plane is very unique and looks like an airplane.

And this is the real truth, because it is a ghost ship.

. Leave it. )

the woman next to Vespasian, a woman named Laurie, appears in the original version of the Grimoire.

the girl's face was expressionless as if she had fallen asleep.

but this slow move seems to be backfiring.

this cannot be done when a person is in deep sleep.

Vespasian watched all this and at the same time sang songs, stretched out his hands and chanted various spells, closing the place so that no one else could see.

(See later about peace.)

\"where did he e from!\"

Kuro oshiro looked at the situation.

Indeed, this foreign god cannot be disturbed.

his presence is enough to destroy heaven and earth.

the storm created by breathing is like the wind of disaster.

Even though I am riding in the car of God's spirit, I think it is difficult to stay upright in such a strong wind.

when the family saw the foreign idol, they were amazed.

It's not a physical shock, it's a mental shock.

At the same time, Kuro met the ``God Empire'', which he did not want to face, and decided to escape from the past.

but now it is revealed.

the moment Giulo saw dagon, he knew there was someone else.

the doubt in his mouth is because he does not believe.


old man

Kingdom of God.

this is what Jiuro thought.

his body collapsed as if an invisible force descended upon him.


Eri then looked at Kuro.

he was so wrong.

Such a reaction is more dangerous than magical flight.

\"Alright, Elle, I'm fine, but is this God?\"


Elle confirmed Kuro's idea, but added a ment after thinking about it.

\"but this God is an imperfect God. As a former ruler, his life is uncertain.\"

\"Are you stable?\"

Kuro asked.

the god dagon that appeared before him had a terrible life no matter how he looked at it.

Is that creation still inplete?

the Nine Gods saw the human form of dagon.

Such creatures must have great mythological power as well.

In addition to the real gods of the past, mythical gods are only ideas about natural disasters and events that do not exist.

dagon's current work is sad and powerful.

Is my enemy such an animal?

Kuro struggled to think.

he walked past the magician he had seen earlier, listening to what dagon was doing to him.

the feelings that Venus trion, the pinnacle of the black Saint Universe, felt for Juran were not very strong.

this fear, this fear implanted in his heart, tells Giulo what strength is and what it means to lose.

however, El said that this is an imperfect god.

they are called adults, but there seems to be something wrong with them.

\"If this evil clone god is the last test, then it's impossible. I don't think such a false god deserves the 'final' that Nyarlatitop has shown.\"

\"there's something I'm missing, something I'm not thinking about.\"

El grumbled as a shadow appeared over his olive eyes.

After some time, a disaster happened because of dagon, and Krang's body came out of the boat, but then he fell into the strong water and entered the state of 50 magic books, temporarily killing Krang . . lying devil

the wing that became the page made an unintelligible sound, and Kuro did not fall into the water.

You can tell the strength of the ocean by the strength of the current. If you go into the water at this point and the force of the ocean breaks you, you will see something like this.

Jiuro took a deep breath, but the situation was dire.

the ghost ship that was once surprised by the Kuro sank, was caught in a storm by the evil god dagon, and returned to most of the sea, where even the ghost ship was no longer visible.

Kuro continued to use his magical power to fly through the sky with his summoned wings.

but flying in this disaster-stricken environment is an unparalleled test of Juran's will, strength, and power.

Even with the help of the Immortal Secret Lord, there was a limit to how much he could do even in one minute.

\"chrollo, stop thinking and hurry.\"

El used magic to show the way, and it was the only land.

You can reach at least one minute.

however, the risk is not small.

because this is the temple of dagon.

It's never a good idea to go to a place like that when dagon is trying to destroy it.

I couldn't think of a better option for Giuro, so I had no choice but to go, even though I knew it was a very dangerous place.

Kuro quickly flew to the temple with flight magic, and finally arrived when his magic power was reduced to 20%.

It fell to the ground in a very bad and dangerous way, hit an 18 meter high hole in the forest outside the temple, and stopped.

when he stopped, Kuro's body was covered in wounds.

because it's a fun time to use magic to protect yourself.

Kuro endured the pain and stood on the ground.

\"Elle-san, what should we do next?\"

\"what more can I say? I have to stop this man, this evil clone god.\"

El was right, but even if they wanted to stop the evil god, they would still be affected by dagon's plague. elopement

It is better to use other magical powers to fight the evil god than to wait for death in vain.

that might be a good choice.

No matter what you decide, the oute is likely to be bad.

there is no hope of doing more.

You don't have to stop to be saved.

No matter what you decide, you will fear the evil God.

Jiuro gritted his teeth and his body trembled, but he had no time to panic.

Jiuran chanted to the holy Spirit and summoned a wise man to destroy the demons.

An iron giant appeared in the sky, and here was a ghost icon named Great Sage demon Slayer.

Kuro and El got into the divine car.

the wise man who can defeat the demon attacks the evil god dagon.

the broken magic water was passed to dagon.

pared to dagon's huge size, the demon Slayer Sage is the size of a child.

the water hit dagon's scales and sparks flew.

As a result, the sword could not cut even half of the scales.

\"Not enough, not enough, I want to eat, dagon.\"

\"No, I am not dagon, nor am I an evil god.\"

\"this is the only power that serves my purpose. I will not be deceived by dagon's power.\"

dagon's voice made a terrible sound, like something cutting, but his taunts worked like explosions.


the large field of demon Slayers was abandoned.

dagon's angry hand struck Sage like lightning.

despite slicing through dagon's hand and slicing through his hand, his unparalleled strength was enough to overe any defense.

the great sage who killed dem was destroyed, the island where the temple was located sank, and the metal giant sank into the sea alive.

\"this power is the power of salvation, so I cannot defeat it.\"

dagon's voice was clear, as if driven by a clear purpose.

he is controlled by the power of John's evil god, and no demonic power can confuse his mind.

\"Even if it's a demon slayer, the evil hunter is a crow.\"

dagon casually spoke that name, fought, and at the same time ran his huge body like a world-destroying desert.

with a star punch, the Great Sage of the demon Slayer corps was able to hold him with just his body.

this blow crushed half of the demon Slayer Sage's body.

As the controller of God's death machine, El had great influence.

El screamed in unimaginable pain.

however, the sage killer's magic circle was about to disappear, so there was nothing he could do.

Yuiran tried to control the God of war, but the result was still wrong.

the demon that killed the Great Sage lost control and was unable to respond to dagon's blows, losing the ability to fight.

219 cthulhu

the evil god is powerful, the evil god is stupid, and the evil god is the most unbearable force in this world.

there are such fools in the world, but people are able to fight against the gods, and they also have a power that is unmatched by the gods.

but this is only the trick of an unworthy person.

the grass seems to have no eternity or wisdom except for humans and their efforts.

Similarly, it is impossible for people to gain power in God's kingdom and bee strong enough to bee God's enemy through human strength and technology alone.

when Giulo met the wortley family earlier, he was convinced that he could understand the truth of God's kingdom.

Such a dream, a terrible life.

At first, he thought this could change when he discovered the secret ways of necromancy.

but, in the end, that is impossible, and the existence of the evil god cannot be changed.

Even though he wasn't a perfect clone, it was strange to call him a god.

however, it is an unstoppable force in the human world.

dagon roared, the power of his spell was as disgusting as the smell of rotten earth, his presence was like burning earth, and it was powerful.

the power of the evil god will not be accepted by the people.

Even a small power can alienate people and turn them into demons like evil gods.

Jon's soul entered dagon's body and was tainted by the evil god's magic, but his soul was clear.

his spirit was not lost.

John did not hear any meaning from the evil god of magic power, but even though the evil god is a cell, it has a will as big as heaven and earth, including the spirit of man, so it's impossible. other than that. there are no consequences other than being part of the other side.

however, as John expected, the power of the evil god was not as terrible as he expected.

my current condition is a mental illness where I lost my physical body and felt the strong power of an evil god.

As well as missing people and corrupt governments, there is no difference between them.

John was also surprised at his condition, because he understood that the power of an evil god was harmless.

this leads John to suspect that an evil god has taken the body. Instead of another powerful animal?

this power is equal to the power of God and cannot be faked, and the magical power of God is false or fake.

John felt the power of his body and did not hesitate.

he has decided to use this power to save people and do what he could not do in the midst of eternal disaster.

changing the past and creating the future should be possible when you are here now.

John didn't think he could do it.

but it doesn't hurt to try it.

If it fails, just change the mode of operation in the next incarnation.

Ambitious, determined and courageous, John never gave up.

this is done step by step repeatedly, eliminating the possibility of repetition.

\"but there is frustration and despair.\"

the girl's voice was loud and Yahya looked at the source of the voice.

he looks very young and cannot be pared to girls.

pared to his angelic appearance, the aura that covered his whole body was even heavier.

It is as bright as a flashlight indoors during a power outage, and as beautiful as morning light in the dark.

John looked at the stranger without saying a word.

Aria looked at Yahya, who had bee evil to God, and continued to speak.

\"what's wrong? why are you looking at me like that? hey? You forgot about me? don't you have a heart?\"

Aria smiled, but it wasn't true, she had a strange, angry, and rude look on her face.

\"Not you, not him.\"

As John spoke, the spell turned into a weapon attack.

Aria didn't move a bit, and all of Yahya's magic was blocked.

the blessing spread everywhere, as if God's anger was aroused, but it had no effect on the two who spoke.

one action can cause disaster, one word can shape the laws of the world.

this is an evil god, a power that should be a god.

A clone of the evil god that bees Johanna's arm and knocks her down.

Aria also activated her magic to fight him.

A battle ensued between the two sides, and the forbidden magic continued to spread, firing indiscriminately.

the sea split, the rocks fell, and the islands were undoubtedly destroyed.

the sea seems angry and makes violent waves, as if trying to throw the whole world into the sea.

but two people traveling around the world do not know all this, and the flow has no way to bypass the other.

because in fact the transition between the two wars is powerful, and even the tragedy is weak and weak.

their fight will not stop, not to mention hurting both of them.

when Aria casts a spell, the magic that people use against the evil gods may not work.

however, Aaliyah's magic angers the evil god.

Jon's body screamed in pain, his strong, indestructible body cracking.

Aaliyah's magic hit Yahya's body, and the evil god's body began to collapse.

Aria was in bad shape, her left arm was broken in a strange way as if it had hit the wall of an artery.

however, when the human body breaks down, the unhealthy body changes.

It is an unimaginable life and an incredibly exciting experience.

\"don't you always want to know? why can't the evil of God live in your body?\"

Arya launches a magical attack, and Jon's suspicions bee clear.

when John countered a spell attack, he attacked again, attacked again, and attacked again.

It was as strange as the ing of an angry sun and enough to cause chaos among the stars, but it was a futile battle between the two.

\"then why? No, it doesn't matter. It's better than anything. Even God can't stop me. what's better?\"

the star-like figure made a loud noise, like a star exploding.

Is it like this?

when Aria turned around, the black color of her body disappeared and she was still human, but only 30% to 40% was left.

As a demon that disappeared began to appear.

however, Aria didn't feel anything and smiled happily, there was nothing wrong with a child's smile.

At that moment, his expression was strange, like a demon.

\"but I'll let you in on a secret.\"

Aria was surprised as if it was a joke.


John asked in a strange way, but for some reason a bad idea appeared in his mind - a plete nightmare.

\"well, the reason dagon in the flesh does not have the will of an evil god is because he is not an evil god.\"

my worst predictions have e true.

\"Actually, the so-called 'dagon' originally meant a giant of the deep sea. I don't know when it became famous as an evil god.\"

``the deep sea itself believes in the existence of ``Father God dagon.''


Aaliyah's voice is strange and sad as she tells scary stories.

\"they were replaced by another god. It is impossible to make a god according to one's faith, whether human or animal.\"

\"So the question is, brother, where did the evil god's current body e from?\"

Even in the same situation, Aria's expression changed.

At the same time, darkness began to fall.

Finally, John's worst thoughts came true.

A mocking expression appeared on Aria's face.

the sense of alienation soon arose, and the human part pletely disappeared, being a demon.

this is an evil god named \"cthulhu\".

\"King of the gods?\"

when Johanna held dagon's body, she made a strange noise.

his body did not tremble due to fear or other emotional reasons.

that is because the power of the evil god within him is calling.

the caller was Aria in front of me.

but he looks like a plete monster.

the power of the evil god named \"cthulhu\" is the opposite of that of dagon.

both powers e from the same source, only one is controlled and the other is not.

dagon is controlled like other evil god powers and reveals his true form before the evil hearted god.

Evil God cthulhu cthulhu is the only evil god.

In front of Father God dagon, false and true power like a bridge, the power of this evil thing will disappear like a bridge.

\"If you seek the power of the evil god and want to receive the power of the evil god, your soul is not yours.\"

\"before, I was looking for the power of an evil god, but now, no, there must have been an evil god since before.\"

Aria took a deep breath, but her appearance today had nothing to do with being ``pretty.''

the breath of the monster does not attract anyone's attention, and others do not understand the goodness of the devil.

Juan struggled, but his soul was controlled by the power of an evil god, and there was no way to escape.

the heart is in dagon's power, and Jon already calls him dagon in a sense.

therefore, it is impossible to free the people of dagon.

dagon's power overflows, and Arya taps into it.

the power of the evil god cthulhu has awakened.

Aria sings:

\"In the tomb of Lule, the eternal sleep of cthulhu awaits you in your dreams.\"

Arya's body is constantly reincarnated, so her human side never returns to normal, and cthulhu's body expands, changing immediately from the size of a maiden to the size of a deep animal and became a giant. It quickly became larger than the island.

Elle came out of the sea again, Kuro saw her and Elle at the same time.

\"Is it too much? Evil god, evil god? why did dagon suddenly bee cthulhu?\"

Elle screamed. the work is so hard that I can't even think about it.

this dark and nameless demon occupied the sky.

Relying on the information written in the secret path of the dead, Elle did not realize her mistake, but that day, \"God\" appeared. this is an evil god named \"cthulhu\".

As if the world could no longer bear it, it began to fall apart.

the stars change and change the shape of the stars in the universe.

the world fell into chaos, and the magic that lived on earth was moving fast, caused by the power of the evil god cthulhu, became fiercely fierce, and then disappeared.

the nature of the world is also changing and aging.

Soon the whole world will leave the human environment and return to the paradise of the ancient kings.

cthulhu did nothing. Its mere presence is enough to cause this reaction.

but this is different than before.

because cthulhu doesn't seem to be a player this time.

the image that is always reincarnated is an eternal kingdom, the true kingdom of God, an evil god running through the world, a life after different laws, and a god who changed the laws to a paradise.

the real evil god and the evil god I once met are two different concepts.

At that moment, the sky exploded and a giant red-gold hand appeared and stabbed him.

Screams of joy and voices of emotion rang out.

\"Finally, finally, there is hope.\"

out of the red hand was a golden alien, the black Saint high heaven, Lord tryon.

In the endless cycle of disaster and destruction, Lord trion thought this over and over in despair, and smiled widely.

magical power roared, and a powerful beast-like power emanated from its human form.

No need to hide, Lord tryon did not hide his power.

Enough to shake the world.

the power to destroy, the power to conquer all, the power to bee stronger.

the beast of revelation that brings us closer to God.

220 God lives

this thing of madness and chaos floating in the sky is an evil beast called the Evil God.

his existence is infinite, unknowable, unimaginable, and indescribable.

the sleeping god cthulhu woke up from his sleep, crossed the western shore of the pacific ocean, changed the universe step by step, released another world inside \"cthulhu\" in the real world, and restored the whole universe. the young ruler of paradise.

\"A god? Strong, very strong,\" Lord trion looked at the evil god's treacherous form, and said with a hearty smile, \"It seems he can move with all his strength this time. Yuzhen looked- well ahead.\" Long time no see. \"

\"this is different from the last reincarnation. this time the gods will e as opponents to destroy the eternal disaster. I hope so.\" \"of course, I did not make a mistake in following this plan. the plan is to destroy those bad god. this is c.\" -Relieve Nyarlathotep's eternal torment. It could be for a truly evil god. \"

\"what do you think? Etheldratha,\" Lord tryon looked at the grimoire elf, Etheldratha. often there is no sign of humanity. In his eyes, there was a beast-like figure from the age of the gods. first time. he pointed out.

- Yes teacher. Etheldratha answered the Lord's words as before. there seemed to be no emotion in his voice, but there was hope and fog on his cold cheeks.

his expectations were not the same as those of Lord tryon.

In fact, Etheldratha did not wait for the destruction of the eternal plague, nor was she angry with the gods who created the eternal plague. moreover, he had no objection to Nyarlathotep. Unlike Lord tryon, I'm not like that. there is no limit to no end.


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