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第8章 被遗忘的角落












编年史的第2章就这样结束了,讲述了伊芙琳·哈特利博士对真理的不懈追求和解开了R'lyeha的奥秘。故事还在继续,不屈不挠的探索精神和对知识的永不满足的渴望驱使着她向这座被淹没的城市的未知深处前进。第3章 面纱揭开

在本章中,R'lyeha 的编年史继续展开,深入研究了伊芙琳·哈特利博士在这座神秘城市不断变化的梦境中航行时的危险旅程。















疯狂的语言能力是一把双刃剑,让瑟斯顿能够进入英克雷最黑暗的地方,同时缓慢而坚定地释放自己的意识。 每一个故事,每一个启示,都需要在他的心智框架中有价值,而瑟斯顿的心智上留下了不懈追求的伤痕。

疯狂的舌头成为瑟斯顿与占领英克雷的邪恶势力的联系。 这让他能够与无法表达的恐怖和美丽的部分进行交流,这些部分超出了生物的理解范围。

瑟斯顿旅程的这一章证明了禁忌知识的使用。 学习疯狂语言是一次变革性的经历,它将瑟斯顿提升到了人类意识的状态。 然而,她也发疯了,因为她对可怕真相的探索可能会摧毁她的灵魂。

瑟斯顿正在讲述的追求疯狂语言和发现英克雷秘密的故事完美地提醒人们,禁忌知识具有不可抗拒的吸引力,揭示其真实内容和细节的危险也具有吸引力。 带着这种扭曲的语言,瑟斯顿接近了宇宙之谜的核心,即大漩涡飞地,在这里,已知与未知之间的界限变成了疯狂和光明的挂毯。


在大漩涡飞地的不朽故事中,我们继续讲述威廉·瑟斯顿的旅程,他是一个沉浸在这个神秘世界的可怕秘密中的人。 本章展开时,瑟斯顿正在处理时间的扭曲,在这个动乱地区面对他过去的梦想和未来。

他遇到了一个奇怪的人——一个似乎是同辈祖先的祖先幽灵。 这个幽灵警告瑟斯顿,干扰时间的危险以及维持宇宙的脆弱平衡。 瑟斯顿面临着无情的时间法则和他自己行为的令人不安的幽灵。

时间的扭曲成为一种不可避免的折磨,无情地提醒着他不懈追求的后果。 当瑟斯顿浏览自己存在的记录时,他看到了他与伊斯人和深潜者联盟的影响,他们的启示如何将他的生命历程铭刻在时间的结构中。

本章鲜明地提醒人们时间的脆弱性及其规律的变化无常。 瑟斯顿与时间扭曲的斗争,他操纵英克雷现实的尝试,以及随之而来的后果,深刻地反映了禁忌知识不可抗拒的吸引力。 英克雷的现实曾经稳定,现在却站在混乱的边缘,瑟斯顿不得不面对所释放的巨大力量。

瑟斯顿对知识的不懈追求和所产生的后果的发展年表证明了人类好奇心的不懈本质。 在他的旅程中,瑟斯顿被抛入了更深的疯狂深渊,陷入了永无止境的揭露循环,永远改变了他的存在轨迹。 疯狂的面纱降临在他身上,他不得不与他对统治宇宙的可怕真理的永不满足的探索所带来的毁灭性后果进行斗争。

R'lyehxia 是一个梦想与现实之间的界限变得模糊的地方,这里的疯狂与任何物理力量一样强大,存在的真实本质被一个无限的、不可怕的谜团所笼罩。 这是一个无法解释的领域,一部充满宇宙恐怖元素的小说,让人不禁想知道它与我们宇宙中最黑暗、最隐秘的角落有多近。


在科拉里斯镇的编年史中,在拉莱希亚的阴暗深处,发生了一些具有重大意义的事情。 在永恒痛苦之城这一年,一位名叫艾丽安德拉的年轻学徒踏上了一条充满好奇和鲁莽的道路,这条道路将引导她前往深渊图书馆迷宫般的中心。

出生在科拉利斯的埃利安德拉对定义她现实的蜿蜒道路和建筑物感到不安。 他的心充满了对知识的渴望,无法被同胞们高深莫测的窃窃私语所浇灭。 他寻找困扰他不安的夜晚的神秘梦境的答案,他相信深渊图书馆掌握着解开克苏鲁宇宙设计秘密的钥匙。

有一天,压抑的天空笼罩着科拉利斯的可怕建筑,艾丽安德拉决定进入深渊图书馆,这座以其破坏性宏伟而闻名的建筑。 他离开了小屋,这个他生命中脆弱但熟悉的家,前往市中心。 正如他所知,每一步,他的决定都压在他身上


在大漩涡飞地的不朽故事中,我们继续记录威廉·瑟斯顿难以逾越的旅程,他被卷入了定义这个魔法王国的、无法估量的怪异知识和神秘之网中。 本章展开时,瑟斯顿对理解的不懈追求将他带到了一个关键时刻——试图掌握英克雷的真正本质。

瑟斯顿掌握了疯狂的语言,并与奇怪的生物结盟,他对知识的渴望变得无法满足。 他对英克雷之谜的理解加深了,揭示了一个深刻而令人不安的真相——帝国不仅是已知世界的一面镜子,而且是更伟大事物的体现,是一个现实与恐怖之间界限变得模糊的地方。

瑟斯顿带着他的新理解和装饰英克雷外国建筑的古代文献,开始了一项认真的努力。 他试图改变英克雷的本质,测试这个疯狂领域内可能发生的事情的界限。

他对这种操纵的第一次尝试是他旅程中的一个转折点,这一行为预示着宇宙力量在大漩涡飞地中发挥作用的范围。 瑟斯顿以疯狂语言为指导,以神秘着作为工具,努力塑造这个领域本身的本质。

当瑟斯顿调查这个被禁止的实验时,他面临着一个冷酷的事实——英克雷是多变且不可触碰的。 他们屈服于他的操纵、战争和变革的企图,以响应他的命令。 然而,每一次变化的后果都是不可预测和可怕的。

他第一次尝试操纵现实,却导致了违反自然法则的扭曲。 英克雷的土地围绕着美丽的环境、外星的美丽和恐怖的场景。 时间本身以混乱的速度流逝,瞬间就像不知名的艺术家一样从他的掌握中溜走。

瑟斯顿的行为引发了一系列事件,导致英克雷陷入混乱。 面对媒体的否认,他们富有创造力且不可预测,他们对自己现实的发现感到好奇和嫉妒。 他们以超凡脱俗的兴趣注视着瑟斯顿的努力,但他们的动机仍不清楚。

当瑟斯顿继续试图将英克雷变成现实时,他发现自己正处于一场不断扩大的宇宙力量风暴之中。 皇室的皇家长袍紧贴着他,他努力保护他所掌握的可怕力量。

当瑟斯顿面对渗透到英克雷的恐怖势力时,本章的惩罚就到来了。 这些实体的目的是人类无法理解的,它们表明了即使在这片扭曲的土地上也存在的恐怖。 它们的存在揭示了宇宙的规模,证明了未知的伟大。


瑟斯顿游记的这一章证明了他对禁忌知识的不懈追求,这种追求打破了真理和善良的界限。 瑟斯顿实验的结果是对英克雷现实的发现,这鲜明地提醒人们,可怕的力量具有无情的吸引力,这种吸引力有可能摧毁所有敢于寻求英克雷秘密的人。

随着历史的展开,瑟斯顿站在宇宙启示的顶峰,现实的真实本质被揭示,而统治存在的力量却是未知的。 英克雷的现实曾经稳定,现在却在混乱的边缘摇摇欲坠,瑟斯顿不得不处理许多已经释放的力量,这些力量超出了人类的理解和控制。


在大漩涡飞地的不朽编年史中,我们继续记录威廉·瑟斯顿的动荡旅程,他是一个陷入这个神秘国度的怪异谜团的人。 本章展开时,瑟斯顿努力应对他试图操纵英克雷现实所带来的灾难性后果,以及无情地陷入疯狂。

随着他探索森林深处,好奇的情绪差距也越来越大。 树木的低语中隐藏着可怕的秘密,具有神秘的诱惑力,艾丽安德拉被进一步吸引到森林的疯狂之中。


第八章以事实和冷静的方式记录了艾丽安德拉前往低语丛林的旅程,在那里她遇到了神秘的植物,它们的嘴低语着可怕的秘密。 事件以清晰详细的方式呈现,强调叙述中已知和未知方面之间的对比。


在无尽苦难之城的那一年,科拉利斯的助手艾兰德拉冒险进入了低语丛林的可怕深处。 这片令人毛骨悚然的活树森林,每棵树都嘴里嘀咕着可怕的秘密,呈现出一个怪异而令人困惑的背景。

当她深入树林时,艾丽安德拉发现了一朵奇怪的花。 每棵树的枝条都在颤抖,嘴巴在低语,似乎都在向他招手,让他进入疯狂的心脏。 扰动中的情绪落差加深,耳边充斥着恐怖的低语声,让他坐立不安。

低语树林内,好奇心的情绪差距也扩大了。 隐藏在树木低语中的可怕秘密具有强大的诱惑力,迫使他继续进入这片超现实且噩梦般的森林中心。

预言家委员会是一个由与宇宙奥秘搏斗的个体组成的集体,他们在一个用拉莱希亚的骨头雕刻而成的房间里接待了艾丽安德拉。 它们的存在就像这座城市本身一样神秘,它们的形状扭曲变形,带有那些看到未知事物的人的印记。

没有任何装饰的房间内,艾丽安德拉受到了隆重的欢迎。 先知委员会通过他们破碎的声音,开始分享他们从这个领域的宇宙力量中获得的见解。

所表达的启示虽然深刻,但却加深了好奇心的情感差距。 委员会给出的答案在阐明了宇宙之舞的本质和拉莱希亚存在的目的的同时,也提出了更多的问题,让埃利安德拉感到敬畏和恐惧。

瑟斯顿对疯狂语言和奥术铭文进行实验的结果,英克雷的现实被揭露,引发了一系列灾难性的事件。 这个领域的结构本身在颤抖,释放出难以理解的宇宙力量。 英克雷的居民神秘又不可预测,他们的反应既好奇又充满恶意。

当可怕的混乱风暴席卷英克雷时,瑟斯顿发现自己正处于漩涡的中心。 他试图操纵的现实现在威胁着要吞噬他,不断变化的风景和逆流的时间使他陷入了一个可怕的领域。

英克雷的居民是一群神秘莫测的实体,他们的动机仍然笼罩在神秘之中,他们带着可怕的迷恋观察着瑟斯顿陷入疯狂。 它们的存在提醒人们宇宙力量的作用,暗示着这个扭曲领域之外的恐怖。 瑟斯顿意识到自己在这些宇宙实体面前的微不足道,这是一个令人羞愧和可怕的启示。

这些树木,每一棵都是低语林地扭曲的哨兵,继续发出令人不安的低语,仿佛掌握着解开拉莱希亚之谜的钥匙。 当艾丽安德拉向这些奇怪的实体寻求答案时,悬念逐渐建立,希望能揭示更多关于隐藏在这个深不可测的领域中的宇宙真相。

第九章以事实和冷静的方式记录了艾丽安德拉冒险进入低语林、她与可怕植物的遭遇,以及她在不适和好奇中情感差距的不断升级。 树林的神秘性质和隐藏在其中的可怕秘密都被详细记录,强调了叙述中已知和未知方面之间的对比。

当瑟斯顿更深入地了解大漩涡飞地不断变化的方式时,他遇到了一个令人不安的现象——时间本身结构的破坏。 过去、现在和未来的自然秩序在这种消极性中发生了不可逆转的变化,瑟斯顿注定成为他存在历史中的一个无知的旅行者。

英克雷的时间扭曲是无情且令人困惑的。 瑟斯顿有时会发现自己回到过去的时刻,重温这些事件,就好像它们再次发生一样。 他将见证他生命中的时刻、欢乐和悲伤、成功和失败,这些似乎都与英克雷的现实交织在一起。

然而,瑟斯顿的时间旅行并不局限于他的过去。 他还思考着他的未来的悲伤挂毯,对未来的不安的愿景。 这些幻象是支离破碎且难以理解的,隐秘地瞥见了即将发生的事件,而这些事件却无法改变或取消他的尝试。

时空扭曲见证了他在英克雷的行为所导致的事件。 瑟斯顿被迫面对他无知的陷阱和失败。 他清楚而生动地看到了他与伊斯人和深潜者联盟的影响,以及他们的启示的价值如何使他们符合时间的标准。

when the blessing appeared, Yu Lianyun thought he could deal with it more calmly. he did not dare to call himself calm, but he also did not act too mean or fear death.

he was already thinking about it. Later when Yao Zhenzhen shows up, she chats with him like an old friend. You can still talk even if the other person doesn't respond.

but Yu Lianyun was wrong. there were too many things I didn't expect.

there is a saying all over the world that mirrors are gateways to other worlds. In some cases, ghosts reflect the world we live in after death, a world between reality and the unknown. between worlds.

perhaps it was because of this that day that Yu Lianyun saw his father's ghost crawling out of the mirror and approaching him step by step.

Yes, his father appeared as a blessing to kill him.

At that moment, Yu Lianyun realized that he was only prepared to be killed by Yao Zhenzhen, but not by anyone else, none other than his dead father.

Yu Lianyun already felt guilty towards her father. when the blessing appeared to him, his psychological defenses pletely collapsed and he began to instinctively resist.

when her father twisted the limbs of the incarnation of blessings, Yu Lianyun's mental trauma was actually greater than the physical pain.

“maybe I really deserve it.” Yu Lianyun came out of her memory with a cold sweat on her back. he still couldn't let it go. thinking about it, he couldn't help but remember the words Ling Ling had said to himself.

No matter what happens in the future, his father's death is destined to haunt him for the rest of his life as an eternal demon.

he had to slowly get used to the torture and pain, as the worst blessings, like the most perverted lover, pletely engulfed him.

At that moment, a dead black unknown object in the form of his father crawled to his right side, and a twisted object in the image of Yao Zhenzhen's broken-hearted woman in white clothes also stuck to his plaster. ta. - covered body. Familiar faces were staring at her with the sickest expressions and breathing heavily...

``president Lin, what are you burning?'' haimofen came to the forest hut again, but he could see Lingling standing outside the house, occasionally throwing something into the burning bucket. I did. As I looked closer, I couldn't help but wonder, \"Is this really a videotape?\"

\"well, in the future you won't need it.\" Linlin smiled and nodded. then he glanced at the sharp gloves on haimofen's hands and said, ``I really like those gloves.''

heimorphen laughed and rubbed the sharp blades in his hands together, imitating the way a normal person would rub their fingers together when they're embarrassed, saying, ``Yes, I'm totally in love with these shoes, but I can't wear them.'' It's a shame. time.\"

``the magical sounds in the attic have been kicked out, but you insist on ing here every day to renew the lease without fear of trouble.'' have you ever thought that it might be a good idea?'' he said with deep emotion.

\"No, I need it, and I always will.\" heimorphen looked at the glove with interest. \"what you see now is just an ordinary glove, but to me it is It's the flesh and blood I've lost, the emotions I've lost. with it I can find the inspiration to get back to the top.\"

\"As long as you like it,\" Linlin smiled. For him, heimofen will be a regular customer in the future. In fact, he didn't feel anything wrong. Until now, recalls were just a courtesy.

As Ling Ling poured the remaining videotape into a lit iron bucket, heimorphen respectfully followed Ling Ling into the store.

Linlin re-registered haimofen's glove rental period. however, the register will include a number next to the rental period of heimofen's gloves. It adds up every day. No one knew about Linlin. why do you do this?

haimofen did not pay attention to Linlin's strange behavior, much less thought about it. the only thing in his heart was the joy of being \"reunited\" with Gunn.

After being secretly happy for a while, haimofen smiled a little tiredly. he suddenly remembered Yu Lianyun, whom he had just met a few days ago. A woman who lost her soul and ran into his arms. the other person was a beautiful person, but I didn't take care of my skin, so I was covered in chilblains and looked very ugly.

high morfindor then asked, \"president Lin, do you have any other female customers?\"

\"can you see it?\" Linlin blinked. Even though he knows better, he still likes to pretend he doesn't understand it and says, \"his problems aren't really as bad as yours. he's a lucky guy.\" told.

\"has his abnormality been resolved?\" heimorphen asked curiously.

Linlin smiled and said, \"She is already the most blessed girl in the world.\"

heimorphen was surprised for a moment, but then he realized something and nodded. \"but in this case, we're really lucky.\"

\"how is he now?\" heimorphen remembered to ask one last question.

Linlin said, ``She's living well, but she can't go out and meet people right now.If you're interested in her, why don't you e and see her every day?maybe you can meet her.'' \"hmm,\" he said with a smile.

Eighteen isn't over yet

At night, Yu Lianyun felt an urge, but could not get out of bed because she had injuries on her body.

Yu Lianyun couldn’t help but be surprised. It's my first time ing to the headquarters of a mysterious group, and I don't know everything. what makes him suddenly want to get out of bed and take a look?

After thinking about it, Yu Lianyun, whose thoughts were expanded by a recent strange experience, quickly found an answer. In this unfamiliar environment, apart from Li Yingqi, wei Jiang, and he Jian, the only person or thing he was familiar with and related to was a woman's corpse.

Is a dead woman calling me?

No, that must be the power behind the corpse of the woman he is.

this may be more or less related to his inspiration. It is no wonder that it attracts the attention of these extradimensional forces, since it is like a weirdo walking on the road with a parabolic antenna that always grows long.

the urge remained in his heart, seducing him like an unknown animal in the form of a cat with hidden whiskers, and he felt heartbroken.

he forced himself to calm down and think. he was very interested in the purpose of extradimensional beings that kept possessing people. pared to them, humans were a weak civilization, and even more so, we had the benefit of being able to resist them. Risk exists.

what do you think, is this all a loss-making trade?

No, perhaps only humans can measure value in this way.

Yu Lianyun felt that she could no longer think deeply. Although he may be the most intelligent of all humans, he was unable to understand the thoughts of a race of advanced life forms.

At the end of the day, we must always put people first. Since we cannot think about the problem from the invader's perspective, we have no choice but to return to the human side and consider countermeasures from all possible outes that could harm humans.

First of all, he needs to work hard to resist temptation and not take the initiative to find or approach a dead woman. It was not easy for him to remove the invasion of extradimensional life.

Second, the crux of finding a way to destroy a corpse is to remove the interdimensional nodes built on it. Extradimensional lifeforms invade the corpse.

this is no easy task. think about it, even an experienced secret organization like the mysterious Group has never been able to solve the female corpse problem, much less he alone.

thinking incessantly, Yu Lianyun suppressed the impulse in his heart. Fatigue gradually confused my brain and I fell asleep without realizing it.

when Yu Lianyun woke up at dawn the next day, she could no longer remember how she fell asleep last night or when she fell asleep.

\"I slept well last night.\" As soon as Yu Lianyun opened his eyes, he saw that Li Yingqi had e to visit him early.

Yu Lianyun was a little surprised and wanted to say, “why did you e so early?” when I looked, it was already 12pm, so I quickly changed my words. \"I feel a little relieved now that this is over.\"

As he spoke, he saw two \"vengeance demons\" crawling along the walls of the room, and they immediately noticed his gaze and slowly crawled towards him, making strange growls. I understand that you have e.

Yu Lianyun “…”

Li Yingqi was pletely unaware of the act of the indignant spirit Yao Zhenzhen licking himself, but Yu Lianyun couldn't bear to look at him and looked away.

Li Yingchi: \"It's certainly good to resolve the serious problems in your heart. It just happened that you didn't sleep well during this period.\"

Yu Lianyun smiled and nodded, looking out the window.

“did something strange happen last night?” when Yu Lianyun plained about the strange scene in front of her, Li Yingqi’s words immediately aroused Yu Lianyun’s calm alarm.

Yu Lianyun did not answer the question immediately, but asked with interest, \"what happened last night?\"

“well… several of my friends passed away last night.” Li Yingqi took a deep breath.

Yu Lianyun was surprised in her heart, raised her throat slightly and said, “what’s going on?”

“we are still investigating.” Li Yingqi nodded. he spoke softly and didn't want to say anything, but Yu Lianyun felt a few fingers pierce his heart.

thinking about this, Yu Lianyun said: \"Last night, before I fell asleep, I actually felt some kind of calling.\"

“convened?” Li Yingqi raised her eyebrows and looked at Yu Lianyun.

\"Yes, but I don't think this was my intention. Fortunately, I can't move my limbs. otherwise, I think I would be forced to act irrationally according to the impulses of my heart.\" Yu Lianyun noticed that Li Yingqi was serious, and knew with his eyes that the purpose of the person who visited the doctor was not simple.

If his guess is correct, Li Yingqi did not e alone today. the other party had been using hypnosis since the beginning of his admission to the ward. Just like when they first met, he could only notice Li Yingchi's presence. In fact, he was right beside her. It was already full of other people.

Seeing Yao Zhenzhen holding the ball in the air and biting it, Yu Lianyun's suspicions were further confirmed.

``what do you think about the voice that called you last night?'' Li Yingchi took a deep breath.

Yu Lianyun said weakly. \"I just recently came to xuanmei Group, and I know everything here very well. the only thing I can remember that is related to me is the corpse of a woman. I still have there is a possibility.” that? \"is that you?\"

Li Yingqi heard the meaning of Yu Lianyun's words and learned that the other party actually guessed that the purpose of ing here today was impure. he also knew that he Jian and wei Jiang, who were \"hidden\" by his ability, were also present.

“cough.” Li Jiaan coughed awkwardly and came out from behind Li Yingqi as usual. wei Jiang also appeared after him and honestly patted himself.

please note that this is a necessary procedure. Li Jian'an stood with his hands behind his back and said seriously: \"If the suspect today was another person within the organization, they would also be investigated in the same way.\"

Yu Lianyun nodded silently.

\"Yes, as you can imagine, all of those who died last night were part of an organization that had direct contact with the woman's body. I never thought that beings from another dimension could be so cunning and dangerous. psychologically. It probably contains some hints.'' to all those who have fallen into hallucinations.

If one of them removes the extradimensional life transformation, a psychological suggestion will be activated, and at night some sound waves, like the girl's breathing, will be heard from the woman's corpse...\"

“why does it sound a little strange?” wei Jiang couldn’t help but say.

\"well, anyway, the audio is being recorded inside the shelter, so what should we do?\" Li Jia'an continued, looking at wei Jiang in confusion. \"Essentially, those who were guided unconsciously followed the lead. And the closer they got, the more they fell into it.\" Eventually, they all activated the anti-theft mechanism and were killed by government agents. ”

\"Is the headquarters of this mysterious organization really such a dangerous place? Is the anti-theft design so ruthless that it can easily kill people?\" Yu Lianyun looked shocked.

Li Jiaan shook his head and said strangely. \"that's not true. After they arrived at the place where the woman's body was kept, they lost themselves. they were like zombies and did everything they could to break into the building.\" Some had broken bones, others had their bodies squeezed into gaps less than 5 centimeters away... they died in various strange ways, but no one knows how they died. ”

19 people were forced to die

Yu Lianyun frowned as she read the unusual photo of the deceased. Even though he was an \"experienced\" forensic scientist, he couldn't help but tremble after seeing these incredibly strange ways of death.

It is difficult to imagine how a person can fit through a five-centimeter crack. the corpse dug out of the crevice does not have the shape of a human. Simply put, it's just crushed meat.

there was also the corpse of a man who had knocked on the door while running upwards. I don't know how he did it. In fact, he hit his head so hard that the back of his head hit the back of his spine. this is another witness. the neck of the deceased was not broken much, which makes the human skin less flexible.

the remaining two died relatively normally. In order to cut off the power to the mechanism, it chews on the wire...

``e to think of it, isn't that a little too much?'' After Yu Lianyun looked at the death photo, he calmed down for a while and said with a slightly angry smile. \"my main job is a forensic scientist, but now I'm a patient. Even though chen muning has passed away, you still need me. please help me.\" Along with the autopsy. ”

\"oh, you guys can do better. besides, you're still a professional.\" Li Ka'an said with a smile, which was exactly the smile of a foolish leader.

\"Actually, I'm on vacation right now.\"

\"oh, there's no point in leaving work.\"

Yu Lianyun was a little speechless, but knew that he could not resist and was not as shameless as the bald captain, so he had to help. but he also had a small revenge in his heart. he asked he Jia'an to help him hold the tablet, which he did. Look closely and look for a long time...

Li Jia'an raised it until his hands hurt, but there was no trace of resentment on his face, and he kept smiling.

Yu Lianyun's words alone almost made he Jia'an depressed.

\"there is nothing to say. there is nothing unusual about the appearance of the body, except that the death was a little strange.\" Yu Lianyun came to a conclusion after analysis, and added, \"of course, if you need more detailed data. \"It's essential,\" he said calmly. \"Anatomical analysis, at first glance, is probably it.\"

After saying this, Yu Lianyun looked at he Jian in confusion. “e to think of it, the mysterious team isn’t so poor that they don’t even have a forensic scientist, right?”

\"Yes, there is, but team Li wants first-hand information.\" wei Jiang explained, \"team Li is a little worried and can't wait.\"

\"why?\" Yu Lianyun was curious. Since there is a forensic scientist in charge of the organization and tissue culture, he must be more specialized than me, a forensic scientist who has only dissected normal corpses. there's nothing he can't wait for.

\"captain Lee blames himself so much. After all, because of him, these four people were indirectly saved by him. previously, the captain told them it was okay, but last night It turns out that something like this happened.” Li Yingchi sighed quietly. .

Li Jian’an frowned and said, “don’t say anything unnecessary.”

hearing this, Yu Lianyun couldn’t help but look at he Jia’an. Unexpectedly, this bald man turned into an unexpectedly responsible person. well, his sense of responsibility was probably as big as his hair.

“has there been any change in the corpse?” Yu Lianyun turned his head and asked, “I feel that things are still not simple this time. If the corpse still has this power, please let me know. there should be no chance of escape. heaven.”

“Yes, there are certainly changes in the corpse.” Li Jian operated the tablet and opened another photo.

Yu Lianyun tried hard to look at the photo. She was still a maiden in a red wedding dress. It still looks familiar. the only difference was that a bright bienfa flower was growing out of the girl's mouth. he was blood red and full of life. overflowing

As Yu Lianyun looked at the photo, he Jia'an explained to her, \"this was taken with a high-definition camera this morning. this flower was not there yesterday. It is in the middle of the corpse's mouth. It suddenly started to grow.'' at night. ”

After saying this, he Jian'an asked, \"Is it true that you and your father dissected the body? Are there really no seeds in his body?\"

\"No.\" Yu Lianyun was sure. when he examined the corpse, he examined it carefully. he had great confidence in his testing and analysis, just as programmers have confidence in their finished code.

however, Yu Lianyun added, ``but this is all based on the fact that my father and I were not under the influence of hallucinations during the legal identification process. After checking, the body was returned in the same condition.\" As before, if the corpses do not have great healing and regeneration abilities, like the monsters that are updated from time to time in the game, it is very possible that my father and I were hallucinations and were identified. It is high. It may not be absolutely reliable. ”

Li Jian'an folded his arms and was deep in thought. After a long time, he said to Yu Lianyun: \"okay, no matter what happens, you are the only survivor who did not die from contact with the corpse. From now on, the three of us will take turns caring for you every day.\" \"You. we have other organizational partners outside that look after you. If something happens, as long as you're acting out of the ordinary, they'll jump right in and help you.\"

Yu Lianyun understood and nodded in agreement.

\"we are planning to move the body, but you know that this body is extremely dangerous. we will move it from the reception room on the second floor to another evacuation center. If something goes wrong during this time, someone will die. \"So it's going to take some time.\" Get ready, at least he'll be here all day tonight. ” Li Jian'an forted Yu Lianyun and said, \"So, tonight will be a sleepless night for you. If your guess is correct, at the same time tonight, everything you felt last night should happen again.\"

Yu Lianyun felt a little numb. If the issue of the corpse is not resolved for even one day, he will forever be a tragic victim of an extradimensional being.

the day passed quickly. Yu Lianyun took more rest to recover quickly from his injury. As soon as he closed his eyes and opened them, he changed from day to night, and the people who acpanied him also changed from today's Li Yingqi. wei Jiang escorted him at night.

Although wei Jiang appears to be strong and tough, he is actually a somewhat honest and straightforward man. with him by her side, Yu Lianyun felt fortable in her heart.

“how long did I sleep?” Yu Lianyun asked wei Jiang, who was sitting next to her, curiously.

wei Jiang looked at the time on his phone and said, \"It's 9:55 now. I must have slept for about four or five hours. I ate lunch, took a nap, and slept until now.\" ta.

\"It should be almost pleted,\" Yu Lianyun said. when he became impulsive, he noticed that the clock on the table read exactly 10 o'clock.

they opened their eyes, looked at each other without saying a word, and waited in silence for ten o'clock to arrive in the parish.

Suddenly, Yu Lianyun felt her limbs being tightened violently, and her face contorted in pain. his broken limbs wanted to move again, but it turns out that's not what his brain wanted.

this time, the urge is even stronger!

Gods from twenty different dimensions

wei Jiang saw the obvious change in Yu Lianyun's expression and immediately realized that the woman's corpse began to move again. he immediately stood up in alarm. After alerting others, he immediately asked Yu Lianyun, \"what's the situation now?\" , can you control it? ”

\"It hurts so much. my body wants to get out of bed.\" Yu Lianyun laughed. he felt his whole body gaining strength, but his injured body was unable to exert any strength, much less break through the plaster of his mummified body. In other words, his body was simply twisted in a cast.

Immediately, he Jia'an and Li Yingqi both received the news and rushed to the scene. when they saw Yu Lianyun’s face twisted in pain, their expressions changed dramatically.

Afterwards, members of the secret team wearing black clothes burst into the hospital room and told he Jian and the others: ``the corpse has undergone a new transformation.the flowers growing in the corpse's mouth seem to be using the corpse's body.'' .they use women as their errands.'' It grows rapidly depending on its nutritional sources, and the female corpse quickly deposes.

hearing this, he Jia'an was suddenly surprised and said loudly to Li Yingqi and wei Jiang, \"I will watch over you. please stay here to protect xiaoyu's safety.\"

Li Yingqi and wei Jiang both nodded seriously, knowing that there was no room for negotiation on this issue.

Immediately after that, he Jian'an and the other members who had e to report rushed out the front door and went straight to the evacuation center on the second floor.

Li Yingchi turned around and saw Yu Lianyun, who was suffering from extreme pain and gradually lost consciousness. he sincerely said, \"don't worry, no matter what happens next, we will be by your side.\"

Yu Lianyun barely heard Li Yingqi's words, and it took a long time for him to answer with an ugly smile. I also felt like my limbs were being torn off, which was really painful and made me twist.

got it - -

Yu Lianyun, who was only slightly conscious, heard a low roar in her ears. Near and far, he could vaguely see two black figures suddenly jumping out from his side, and then instantly jumping out of the door.

they are two personifications of blessings who have transformed into Yao Jensen and his father! Yu Lianyun was surprised, but before he could think deeply, his consciousness was pletely confused.

At the moment when he lost consciousness, Yu Lianyun's body suddenly moved automatically, and Yu Lianyun, whose limbs and bones were broken by an unknown force, stood up again.

Li Yingqi and wei Jiang looked on in horror. with a tacit understanding, they pushed Yu Lianyun back to the hospital bed on the spot without saying a word. however, both of them clearly felt that an abnormally large amount of power was surging inside Yu Lianyun's body. Even with everyone's bined efforts, we couldn't lift the patient with severely injured limbs! ?

hearing the motion in the ward, the guards who were guarding outside immediately rushed into the ward. Seeing the situation, they, along with wei Jiang and Li Yingqi, immediately subdued him.

is is true and undeniable.

the evil god Naiko revealed the truth, so what's the point of hiding something like that?

Elu doesn't do stupid things.

of course, the most important thing is that Elle knows Kuro.

As a magician, necromancer, and demon slayer.

Kuro, who did not give in to God's evil pressure, made Elle trust and believe in this man.

crow's memories bined with his negative \"consciousness\" form the basis of Elle's identification with this man.

No sense of living in an endless cycle of reincarnation, no memory of the evil hunter god You, no fear when faced with evil animals.

I think Elle sees the rest of the party as a transition tool.

with this evidence, Elle agrees with the other side's opinion and believes that the other side is the best expert.

El believed that this man was a sorcerer.

\"Yes, all of Innsmouth was destroyed and the whole world was destroyed before I met him. And you know the devil.\"

215 progress


Kuro immediately knew the answer. he is the only survivor of this \"strange world\" similar to cthulhu's dream.

questions like these can only be answered by thinking.

however, Giuro didn't really want to accept that.

Fighting with a former classmate? do you struggle with the idea of killing your opponent?

how can I calmly accept something like that? ?

Even though he can't be called his friend, he just knows him, and he's not angry.

however, killing people's lives at will is not something that Kuro does easily.

his mind still did not think of another person as an enemy.

Although Jiuran witnessed a strange world with terrible magic power and rules that ignore reason, he could not think of his opponent as an enemy.

I don't know why, but I feel like I do.

Kuro saw that the other side was not the enemy, and this point where he fought against this side was unique.

but so far we have heard many unknowns.

but with uncertainty es a sense that we've done it before.

this knowledge calmed Kuro down.

because it just explains the purpose.

If you've done it before, you won't lose confidence.

If you've seen this before, don't panic.

people cannot remember what happened during the endless cycle of reincarnation.

however, such memories are etched on the soul as scars.

this ``awareness of knowledge'' is a gift given to Kulan through eternal reincarnation.

Kuro thought that the other party members shouldn't be made enemies, but Elle didn't seem to think so.

\"he said everything was fine. he was a demon. the evil god swallowed him and he became a monster.\"

\"Kuro, don't let me go now. Your friend has passed away. maybe it's been a long time. what's left is the power of the evil god.\"

Elle's statement is not pletely wrong.

For example, if there is no way to save a person, that person will literally die.

there is no way back for those swallowed by the evil god.

those who are polluted by the power of evil gods are no longer pure.

this is a positive thing.

Elle didn't think Aria could fight back against the evil god's power.

Already in the beginning, when windmill town uses the power of the evil god as a weapon of war, the end is over.

those who use the weapons of God must defile themselves.

there is no way to escape.

No help.

therefore, the person leaves and does not return.

what is the difference between a person and a dead person?

Such a person cannot find peace because there is no way of salvation, no way of salvation, no way of hope.

that's all a living person can do.

that doesn't mean we can't think of ways to allow one and maintain the other.

while the former is like spreading destruction across the planet, the latter is an even more insane act.

No, that's not possible.

It's so sad to be angry about such an impossible thing.

So, before you get sad, you have to act.

Giving peace is the only mercy a living person can give.

besides, you can't do anything but act like this.

maybe one day all evil will be eradicated and you will think of a way to save it.

however, now is not the time to realize salvation.

I haven't had that moment yet.

we have to do the best we can.

Nothing to offer but relaxation.

So this is the only way to do it.

Elle is sad and depressed too.

because he knows that this act that kills has nothing to do with beauty.

the destruction itself is not so much.

however, this is the only way to stop bad behavior from continuing.

I cannot do everything because it is not God's will.

Elle can use the Severing blade to destroy any evil it can wield, even if that evil befalls a human.

the wise son of God used it.

Elle doesn't seem to think much of getting rid of evil.

So no matter how sad, sad, sad.

he didn't even choose to save 50 demons.

because he can't.

of course, Elle does not think that the significance of her existence is the same.

this is also not possible.

magic book, magic, magic.

do you want to eliminate all evil and its root, the evil God?

that is impossible.

It's just a dream.

\"what about the rest? I don't want to think about it.\"

Jiuran took a deep breath. It seems hard to believe that a person's death can be solved with just a few words.

Although he became a witch, he had no knowledge of magic.

Kuro still can't believe that killing his acquaintance is \"natural\".

of course Kuro knew he had to.

may the dead return to this world and the living find peace.

that's what animals are supposed to do.

of course Kuro-san knew that.

of course, Juran knew that he had to go through such a painful process.

this is true when you get the Secret of the dead and bee the Secret master of the dead.

otherwise, the secret path to death will also be revealed.

the power of magic flowed through Krang's body, and the power of gods and demons roared through his body.

It was as if a strong blood of desire passed through his body, as if trying to tear his heart.

his mood was like magic and he was never safe.

he was angry

I was angry at my weakness and I was angry at myself for not being able to help.

there is no way to save others, no way to destroy the evil that rules humanity.

It can only be obtained by parasites.

Is that really possible?

Is this good practice?

Kuro looked suspicious.

Kuro doesn't think killing people is a good thing.

\"but this is the truth Kuro.\"

\"once something is defiled and defiled by the power of the evil god, it can no longer be called alive.\"

\"this is the dead, the living dead.\"

No reincarnation will result in, ``A soul tainted by the power of an evil god is also tainted and will never enter the divine paradise. Even hell has no way to continue. You can live forever in the human world. ''there is no reincarnation. \"

Elle said in a dark voice.

however, apart from the evil names associated with evil gods -

that sounds like a good thing.

Isn't it good to exist in this world forever?

No one wants to die, and no one wants to die because they do not understand that death is worse than hopelessness and despair.

there is no possibility of regret after death.

therefore, death has no value.

the same goes for holidays.

It's not good to die, but it's not good to rest either.

Kuro knew.

After all, life is better than death, no matter how cruel it is.

those who do not understand death cannot enjoy life.

however, for Kurou, death was something he experienced in the endless cycle of reincarnation, and he had long experienced the hatred of death.

So Kuro refused to cause the death.

however, it is not limited to humans.

In fact, something like passion is only given to people at a certain level.

Kuro is someone who looks like the same person.

Although they displayed terrifying powers, Kuro saw them as human beings.

Kuro wouldn't think it was a good thing unless someone else did something unforgivable.

Killing bad people and killing good people are different values.

Kuro cannot forgive for killing an innocent person.

but can we really describe demons as people?

Are the animals tainted by the magic of an evil god?

It was a demon beast turned wizard.

the monster itself is also more human than the demon.

the devil is the puppet of the evil god, the enemy of the evil god, and the spirit of the evil god.

For humans, it is not friendship, only on the human side.

A devil who changes his mind bees an unforgivable devil.

Even a good God cannot show mercy.

his current existence is a demon.

It is a great sin that they are in this world.

From this incarnation, the great Krus Kuro, the evil hunter god Karga, understood this well.

So, he drove out all the demons, good and bad.

the modern Klan cannot do this because it has not yet understood and experienced the night when the evil will of God will e.

If Kuro really experienced the threat of ``God's will,'' then he would understand why Elle thought that way.

Kuro didn't even understand what a demon was.

Since he is an intellectual, existing knowledge cannot help him know what he does not already know.

besides, fighting evil demons is not about knowing.

According to Elli, the fear of the demon has not been resolved.

this was probably because Elle herself had never fought a demon, so she couldn't explain it in detail.

however, Elle, who has the book of raven magic and El Azif's memories, cannot sense the damage the demon is causing.

this is unbearable.

Elle didn't know what to say.

It is difficult to translate what you know into a language that others can understand.

Such inprehensible and mysterious knowledge is extremely difficult to explain.

\"Aren't you immortal?\"

to Kuro's question, Elle answered immediately.

\"do you think it's still alive?\"

\"can we say that the moving dead is alive?\"

\"If this man can say that he is alive because of his condition, he probably wants to mit suicide.\"

\"I don't think anyone wants to live like that.\"

\"he accepts that he is alive and exists because he is not human, but a monster.\"

when your mind and body bee animals you accept your existence as an animal.

otherwise, how can he accept himself as a monster?

Elle could never imagine that there are people in this world who would allow themselves to bee monsters.

It is difficult for able-bodied people to accept disability.

If he accepts it, he accepts it wholeheartedly.

Also, if a man admits he is a monster, he is already a monster.

once the soul bees an animal, there is no way to save it.

because at this time his evil power entered his soul.

my soul has bee impure.

You cannot escape from the power of the evil god.

A person who defiles himself will never be clean again.

the magical power of the evil god cannot be stopped by the will of man.

Elle knew she was a monster.

there is no way to save him, he is just an animal in human skin.

by living like this, you can only bring peace to others.

Such evil, which covers all of Innsmouth, this dream represents the growth of others as demons.

As a scheme of human thought, it does not exist.

Now, thankfully, this train is not going to Innsmouth.

however, the goal of maintaining the immortal dimension should not be less than the destruction caused by this demon.

Either way, it doesn't give you hope.

but no one can forgive.

dreams where the world is destroyed and changed not as it used to be.

another world

A different world filled with zombies, a different world with different rules.

create a position.

It must be the great devil.

does the magic work if you don't look at it for a while?

the size of this demon seems to indicate that there is some kind of darkness.

Elle thought to herself.

\"pared to a life like this, it might be better to directly destroy another person.\"

216 devil

Aaliya runs.

he ran to Innsmouth.

there was no one behind him, but his expression was as if he believed that some kind of animal was following him.

he ran towards a place like lightning, and his speed was faster than an ordinary person.

Lightning is used to describe a real-life situation.

this is not an exaggeration.

Any obstacle in front of her can be crushed into dust before Aaliyah's lightning.

because the human body that can move at such a speed should have no handicaps.

If the human body was not as strong as Aria's body, her body would have been broken at a high speed.

Even a mid-air collision can cause serious damage.

however, relying only on migration will not help.


Arya stopped in her tracks.

Not because I want to quit, but because there is no other way forward.

A small hand gripped his body.

his hand was on her shoulder and he pushed Alya with lightning speed.

In fact, there is only one oute in this situation.

when he reached the fast moving object, the man's arm was broken.

Aria thought, so she couldn't run away from him.

however, this time the results exceeded his expectations.

thanks to this palm, he did not escape.

A hand was then placed on Aaliyah's chest.

this chest pain feels like a lot of pressure.

with a sound that sounded like bones breaking, Aria's body fell about five meters to the ground, falling and crushing the ruins before falling to the ground in front of the stone wall, looking more like a reptile. than a skeleton.

this world is not normal.

It's a different world that differs from the laws of the real world, and is the result of a superhuman level demon corrupting the real world outside.

bone pain.

Aria was in so much pain that she couldn't scream anymore.

his voice seemed to crack.

Aria did not understand what happened to her.

In his memory, he had to end the main life of Azathoth's book, and he appeared here.

what was your intention at that time?

Unfortunately, Aaliyah's memories seem to be thrown into thin air.

After a while he regained consciousness.

Apparently, I just left windmill town, so why am I still here?

what a beautiful place this is!

Aria stared at this strange place.

No matter how you look at it, the situation is contradictory.

It is similar to the real world, but there are some differences.

this \"small\" difference is enough to create a situation that is different from the real world.

Aria has no way to express herself, this is the real world.

the pain in my chest told me it wasn't a dream.

this is the truth, this is what happened to me, this is the iron truth.

but my brain can't understand what happened.

but Aaliyah can accept and think of a solution.

\"don't die here.\"

\"So my wish came true!\"

Aria screamed as if a powerful force had been removed from her body.

however, no matter how strong he was, if he could use this childish body as a box, his limits were terrifying.

In addition, it is good that it does not burden your body.

the hope for heavenly miracles is just a dream.

Aria could not see this scene in front of Aria, who was not close to Aiya.

the image is covered with a shadow cloak, and we don't even see any gender characteristics.

All I can say is that the eyes of other people are similar to the eyes of animals.

there is no one, there is a senseless killing intent, and a character who seems to have e out of a hole.

darkness and chaos are truly evil.

Although invisible to the human eye, Aria is infallible.

\"are you interested?\"

It is a mysterious devil who seems to be smiling.

\"that is no longer the case.\"

the voice of the devil screaming and playing the metal instrument is really the voice of the devil.

It was not a human voice, but a voice distorted by magic.

\"Your dreams are doomed from the start.\"

the devil spoke again, and this time there was no mockery in his voice.

his voice was full of pity, but that pity did not produce goodwill.

No doubt it es from a bad personality.

Aria confirmed, satisfied.

She couldn't explain how bad her body was, but Aria took care of her body and continued.

the impact is like lightning and the bination is like a storm.

Alya's hands began to tremble, her small hands as if struck by lightning, and then there was a thunder of fire.

the demon form fled, and Aria's hand missed the enemy.

Also, he was very fast, faster than Aria's hands.

At this rate, Arya wouldn't be able to hit her opponent even if she was defeated.

on the other hand, if you stop, you will be killed by this ranged demon attack.

At this point, Aria pletely forgot that she was an idol and fought with all her might like an ignorant brute.

Arya finally realizes the mistake and defeats the demon form as quickly as possible.

A light hand struck the demon's body, and a figure hidden in the shadows attacked Aria.

Aria thinks that she will be hurt or defeated by that opponent.

If not, how can other parties avoid fighting each other?

If not, at least it works.

otherwise, how can the devil choose to defeat himself?

Aria thought, this is what happened.

but that's the wrong goal.

Arya's hand was defeated.

the demon's body was as thick as stone, and the force of its rejection of Aria was overwhelming.

At first, the blow that easily penetrates even metal plates can only injure itself.

bones yelled, and Aria felt the pain of her broken arm.

Aria quickly retreated.


Iblis touched Aliyah's stomach and felt confused, and seemed to pull Aliyah's body.

\"I already hit you, but didn't you?

Stupid and strong defense.

At the very least, it's wrong to fight demons with your bare hands.

Aria noticed this.

I don't know what the other person said, but the killing intent was clear.

don't worry about what he said, if you can't beat him, he won't beat you.

his right arm was paralyzed, as if poisoned, and he couldn't move it again unless he went to the hospital.

Singing or reading hate speech.

Like lightning, like flying magic.

the demon laughed, obviously mocking his opponent's weakness.

he moved a few meters away, waving his right hand.

the lightning and flames summoned by the spell were interrupted.

Aaliyah's magic is fading fast and hard.

his hand came close and almost hit her face.

Aaliyah bent down, crossed her hand across the space, and took Aaliyah's hand.

\"You can do it now.\"

when Aria chanted the Spirit of words, magic continued to fall in the form of lightning.

the lightning continued around Aria.

Even though there is such a thing as lightning, no matter how you look at it, lightning is called lightning.

Inparable heat, warmth and purity, like the sun.

but his progress was like lightning.

the strangeness seemed to be on fire.

the lightning summoned magic did no harm to Aria.

And everything within range will be struck by lightning.

At that moment, lightning struck the demon's body, and the cloth covering him exploded, revealing his hidden face.

this man is inseparable from Aaliyah.

Surprisingly, even after being struck by lightning, his body was unharmed.

It is not immunity, because he has a unique immune system inside his body.

high quality.

Even magic full of destructive power cannot harm the enemy.

the smell was a mixture of corpses, blood, and garbage.

It was the smell of pain, the smell of terrible spirits.

Aria looked at the man in front of her. he looks the same, but it's clearly not him.

because I like someone else...

It seems like thousands of people live in the girl's cage.

creatures that eat and forgive humans end up ruling over humans.


my arm was crushed by the demon's strange power, and I felt like I was going to be crushed.

Aria was stopped and yelled at her in anger.

\"monster? No, I'm you.\"

Aaron said this before kicking Arya.

the body of the young man fell to the ground.

\"You still don't understand? Are there any memories left? or is it because you don't want to remember?\"

\"Very sad and bad.\"

As if reading goodbye, Satan came to Aliyah.

however, Aria uses her magic to fight him.

the demon waved his hand, his palm quickly recognizing Aria's magic.

\"then why don't you sleep and give your whole body to me?\"

\"It's not a good idea to bine two minds to control the body.\"

\"Going to the 'creative' level under these circumstances is a very good way to stand out in such a corrupt world.\"

the devil laughed, laughed loudly.

\"If not, how can I remove this defect hidden in my body?\"

Shaidan walked up to Aaliyah, took her right hand, and held her head in his fingers.

he doesn't seem to care.

however, thinking of yourself as a person is a short time for a person.

therefore, the monster cannot be defeated.

the god named cthun bines the concepts of cthulhu and Yog-Sothoth.

however, her true personality is no different from an evil god like Noyako.

In addition, since there is no perfect evil god, their power is lower than normal evil gods.

Stronger than humans.

civilized evil god clones of humans at least m.

of course, Aria's will cannot defeat her opponent.

but this was the first time I woke up.

this is due to a relationship with the outside world that is different from the laws of the real world.

otherwise, the devil has half the votes.

but this will not happen, because the devil is trying to be the devil.

there is no human condition or evil holy Spirit.

what if the woman's soul disappears before the demons in the human world?

Everything is progressing.

Everything went according to plan.

the demon let out a horrible laugh, and the terrifying spell turned into physical pressure.

Suddenly, a branch pierced the demon's slender neck.

It starts to break off the tip of the branch, and of course it doesn't stick to the branch at all.

how can something that cannot be pierced by a stone be able to pierce an evil idol of God?

\"Is this the last time?\"

then, there was a sound like an egg shell breaking, and a crack appeared in another world.

Aaliyah's eyes widened.

\"what's up?\"

the demon asked as if he didn't understand what was happening.

when the evil god descends, the spiritual power of the water demons will flow from the outside world.

At that time, an evil god appeared in the temple.

there is something that has e into the world from the darkness, the abyss, its darkness, its despair, its eternity.

dagon was summoned from the glorious temple of his deep ancestor, Lyria.

Something dark seeped from the pages of the book.

the soul of the water demon is captured and there is a dark ing.

At this time, the demon world was destroyed.

because of the evil god's magic and the evil god's destructive power, the demon world has bee corrupt.

217 the day Satan leaves

this is Innsmouth Abbey.

Although this is indeed the temple where the people of Innsmouth pray, this temple was not built in Innsmouth.

the temple is now located on a small island about 300 nautical miles east of Innsmouth.

however, this short distance poses no particular obstacle for local deep-sea divers visiting Innsmouth.

therefore, the people who visit this temple are usually animals who have awakened with strange visions.

the deep are descendants of dagon, the evil god of the sea.

waves of air came out of the temple of taste, as if a group of gods were dancing.

It is not air mixed with dirty air like sea air.

It smells of the dead.

A scream was heard in the temple.

there seemed to be a strong wind blowing and a dark atmosphere.

this violence and the smell of dead bodies is disgusting.

but for those in the temple, this is not a concern.

because they create these dreams.

A disaster occurred in the temple, and the women trapped in the water shelter were forced tothendure the abuse of the people.

the screams that followed were their cause.

the deep ones showed no mercy and tortured them mercilessly.

but at least they are alive.

If you can't see the person's body or figure, the result may be good.

deep divers are not cannibals and do not kill people for pleasure.

they are here to make \"great sacrifices.\"

A sacrifice was made to dagon, the god of the sea.

one way to do this is to sacrifice your life.

It is also easy prey.

the priests of the deep people asked the venerable elders to stand in the great square of the temple.

She is well dressed and invisible.

Unlike Shen Lun's panions, who were surrounded by blood and teeth, there was no smell of killing on the old half-fish's body.

of course, that doesn't mean he didn't kill anyone.

In fact, it probably killed more people than all the divers out there, at least a few times.

but it didn't smell like a murderer, it smelled like corpses, blood, and pollution.

In fact, he was satisfied with the sacred atmosphere that the high priest should have.

As the priest of dagon, he is even more mysterious than the priest of the old gods.

however, this is not the cause of these behaviors.

If so, priests who believe in evil gods would not be called heretics.

their bad behavior and perverted thinking are rejected by the society.

this is unreasonable and unacceptable.

\"don't you have enough time?\"

the old half-fish said in a strange voice.

A strange voice that could be mistaken for a person.

Vespasian smiled a little.

\"It's almost time, please be patient.\"

As one of the counselors of the black Sanctuary, Vespasian patiently explained to the half-morlock elder.

. that. )

Although there was no foolish expression on his face, Vespasian considered this foolishness in his heart.

In fact, magicians or witches do not understand the mon sense that ordinary people should have.

I also believe that even a saint cannot show kindness when faced with such a situation.

Vespasian had no psychological problem with using deep humans in his experiments.

\"Really? So what's your plan?\"

the half-merman old man seemed to be asking interesting questions, but it seemed that the aura that resided in his body, the aura that became physical pressure, brought bad results.

It's not just curiosity.

Keene's eyes turned to Vespasian.

\"he's been here a long time. You want to see him? You can.\"

Vespasian expressed it stereotypically.

A dark evil slowly emerged and a terrible cold appeared.

\"If that's the case, director Lurich please step out.\"

when Vespasian spoke to her by a strange name, a strange woman appeared from within her.

the naked woman floated slightly, her long dark green hair waving in the wind, and she stared at everyone with mysterious eyes.

there is no good, no shade, and no evil.

the look of the master seems to show respect for the girl.

the old half-fish trembled slowly without closing his eyes.

\"Is this a magic book?\"

the merman spoke strangely about the old woman's true identity.

As someone who knows a lot about magic, he can definitely tell that this is the other side of a magic book.

And anyone who can take human form must be a magical book belonging to the original canon.

A career hero who is his image and creator.

of course, this does not mean that magic like \"transformation\" cannot be used.

but it seemed impossible, so it was impossible for the old half-merman to notice.

Elder half-Fish, an expert in the magical world, definitely had such a vision.

Since he was the high priest and high priest of a mythical creature like the profan, there was no way he was more than a failed animal.

\"Yes, this magical book is connected to the original text, the Rellek text.\"

Vespasian stretched out his hand and stretched out his chin,

“the original spellbook was a spellbook that had the power to summon 'gods'.

Indeed, this is an honesty that no one can deny.

the original magic book didn't even have a black Sanctuary advisor.

creating a book of this level of magic with such dedication represents the essence of darkness.

the older half of the fish owners have no reason to be suspicious of their rivals.

this is how it should be.

however, the older half of the fish owners believe that the other half is not safe.

It es from the \"awareness\" that es from returning to eternal sorrow.

because of this knowledge, the old half-fish still cannot trust another person.

however, disagreeing and not taking advantage of each other are two different concepts.

the old half-fish has a plan to exploit the entire budget of his opponent.

Regardless of the opinion of the faction, if the faction decided to call the evil god, as long as the steps were the same in the same plan, the old half-fish would definitely achieve the final victory. It should be his.

he still has that confidence.

of course, Vespasian was confident.

Vespasian was a very experienced master of this magic.

Since this is a sacrifice to an evil god, there is no need to be careful.

because it is impossible for a dead man to fight alone.

there is no way that an animal swallowed by an evil god is an evil spirit.

Ashes and smoke, scattered souls? You can use these terms.

Vespasian was ready, but he didn't think he could escape from the evil god.


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